
This is documentation for Rasa X/Enterprise Documentation v1.1.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (1.4.x).

Version: 1.1.x

Product Activation

Once you have successfully deployed (or installed) Rasa Enterprise, you can add your Enterprise license.

Once you have acquired your Enterprise license, you must use the upload license API endpoint in order to activate Rasa Enterprise. This can be done using any HTTP client, below is an example of how to do this using curl:

curl --request POST \
--url http://<Rasa Enterprise server host>/api/license \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your access token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"license": "<your Enterprise license string>"}'

If the activation was successful, an HTTP 201 CREATED response will be sent back. You should then restart your Rasa Enterprise server to ensure all Enterprise-only features are initialized correctly.

Rasa Open Source Telemetry

Activating Rasa Enterprise will automatically disable telemetry for the Rasa Enterprise server itself. However, in order to disable telemetry for your Rasa Open Source nodes, some extra configuration is required. How this is done depends on how Rasa Enterprise was deployed.

If you deployed Rasa Open Source via the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart, you will need to update the values.yml file for the Rasa Enterprise installation with the following settings:

# Rasa Open Source configuration you added when deploying
# ...
disableTelemetry: true

These settings only work if you deployed Rasa Open Source via the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart.

It is recommended to use the Rasa Helm chart to deploy Rasa Open Source.

Once the configuration has been updated, restart your Rasa Open Source nodes to ensure the new values are loaded.