
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased


Exporter Objects

class Exporter()

Manages the publishing of events in a tracker store to an event broker.


  • endpoints_path - Path to the endpoints file used to configure the event broker and tracker store. If None, the default path ('endpoints.yml') is used.
  • tracker_store - TrackerStore to export conversations from.
  • event_broker - EventBroker to export conversations to.
  • requested_conversation_ids - List of conversation IDs requested to be processed.
  • minimum_timestamp - Minimum timestamp of events that are published. If None, apply no such constraint.
  • maximum_timestamp - Maximum timestamp of events that are published. If None, apply no such constraint.


async def publish_events() -> int

Publish events in a tracker store using an event broker.

Exits if the publishing of events is interrupted due to an error. In that case, the CLI command to continue the export where it was interrupted is printed.


The number of successfully published events.