Version: 3.x
Deploy Rasa Plus in Production Rasa Pro Only
To use the Rasa Plus image in a Helm deployment, you will need to substitute rasa
with rasa-plus
the image name. You will also need to pass your license in an env var
and specify a pull secret for the image .
Step 1: image pull secret# You will need to create a pull secret to access the rasa-plus
image. You should have
been provided with a JSON credentials file to access the registry.
The file content should look similar to this:
Copy {
"type" : "service_account" ,
"project_id" : "rasa-platform" ,
"private_key_id" : "somerandomcharacters" ,
"private_key" : "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n\nPBTu1lAJDLo136ZGTdMKi+/TuRqrIMg/..................................................................................................................................\nsjAsuAH4Iz1XdfdenzGnyBZH\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n" ,
"client_email" : "" ,
"client_id" : "12345678910123" ,
"auth_uri" : "" ,
"token_uri" : "" ,
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url" : "" ,
"client_x509_cert_url" : ""
Create the pull secret by running the corresponding command for your cluster environment:
kubectl --namespace < your namespace > \
create secret docker-registry rasa-plus-pull-secret \
--docker-server = \
--docker-email = \
--docker-username = _json_key \
--docker-password = " $( cat < your-json-registry-creds-file > .json ) "
oc --namespace < your namespace > \
create secret docker-registry rasa-plus-pull-secret \
--docker-server = \
--docker-email = \
--docker-username = _json_key \
--docker-password = " $( cat < your-json-registry-creds-file > .json ) "
Step 2: store license in a secret# Step a: Save the license string to a file, for example:
Copy echo "<rasaplus-license-key-you-were-emailed>" > license.txt
Step b: Create a secret to hold the license key:
Copy kubectl -n <your-namespace> create secret generic rasapro-license --from-file=licensekey=./license.txt
Step c: Remove the file on disk, for example:
Step 3: update values.yml
# For the Rasa Helm Chart , update as follows:
Copy registry : europe - west3 - - releases/rasa - plus/rasa - plus
command :
- rasa
image :
name : rasa - plus
tag : 3.6.20
pullSecrets :
- name : rasa - plus - pull - secret
extraEnv :
valueFrom :
secretKeyRef :
name : rasapro - license
key : licensekey
For the Rasa X/Enterprise Helm Chart , update as follows:
Copy images :
imagePullSecrets :
- name : rasa - plus - pull - secret
rasa :
command :
- rasa
name : europe - west3 - - releases/rasa - plus/rasa - plus
tag : 3.6.20
extraEnv :
valueFrom :
secretKeyRef :
name : rasapro - license
key : licensekey