Environment Variables
Rasa Pro
When running Rasa Pro, the RASA_PRO_LICENSE
environment variable needs to contain
the Rasa Pro license key.
Backing services
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
POSTGRESQL_SCHEMA | The postgres schema for the SQLTrackerStore . | "public" |
POSTGRESQL_POOL_SIZE | The limit of the number of open connections for the SQLTrackerStore . | 50 |
POSTGRESQL_MAX_OVERFLOW | The maximum overflow of pool size for the SQLTrackerStore . | 100 |
RABBITMQ_SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE | The path to the SSL client certificate for the PikaEventBroker . | |
RABBITMQ_SSL_CLIENT_KEY | The path to the SSL client key for the PikaEventBroker . | |
RASA_ENVIRONMENT | The Rasa environment for the PikaEventBroker and the KafkaEventBroker . | |
SECRET_MANAGER | The type of secret manager. | "vault" |
TICKET_LOCK_LIFETIME | The lifetime of ticket locks, in seconds. It configures the lock store. | 60 |
VAULT_URL | The URl of the HashiCorp Vault. | |
VAULT_TOKEN | The token to authenticate to the HashiCorp Vault. | |
VAULT_NAMESPACE | The namespace of the HashiCorp Vault. | |
VAULT_RASA_SECRETS_PATH | The path to Rasa secrets in the HashiCorp Vault. | "rasa-secrets" |
VAULT_TRANSIT_MOUNT_POINT | The mount point of the HashiCorp Vault. |
Model Storage
Environment variables that configure model storage on cloud providers are described in the following sections:
Dialogue Management
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
RASA_DUCKLING_HTTP_URL | The URL of the Duckling service powering the DucklingEntityExtractor . | |
MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREDICTIONS | The maximum of predictions after each user message for a NLU-based assistant. See Action Selection. | 10 |
MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREDICTIONS_CALM | The maximum of predictions after each user message for a CALM-based assistant. See Action Selection. | 1000 |
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
LOG_LEVEL | The log level for Rasa and Rasa Pro. | "INFO" |
LOG_LEVEL_LIBRARIES | The log level for 3rd-party libraries. More info here. | "ERROR" |
LOG_LEVEL_KAFKA | The log level for kafka library. More info here. | "ERROR" |
LOG_LEVEL_RABBITMQ | The log level for rabbitmq library. More info here. | "ERROR" |
LOG_LEVEL_FAKER | The log level for faker library. More info here. | "ERROR" |
LOG_LEVEL_PRESIDIO | The log level for presidio library. More info here. | "ERROR" |
LOG_LEVEL_LLM | The log level for all LLM components. More info here. | "DEBUG" |
LOG_LEVEL_LLM_COMMAND_GENERATOR | The log level for LLMCommandGenerator prompt. More info here. | "DEBUG" |
LOG_LEVEL_LLM_ENTERPRISE_SEARCH | The log level for EnterpriseSearchPolicy prompt. More info here. | "DEBUG" |
LOG_LEVEL_LLM_INTENTLESS_POLICY | The log level for IntentlessPolicy prompt. More info here. | "DEBUG" |
LOG_LEVEL_LLM_REPHRASER | The log level for ContextualResponseRephraser prompt. More info here. | "DEBUG" |
RASA_TELEMETRY_ENABLED | Toggle telemetry reporting. More info here | true |
RASA_TELEMETRY_DEBUG | Toggle debug information for telemetry reporting. | false |
TRACING_SERVICE_NAME | The top-level service name when sending traces. More info here | "rasa" |
Beta Feature Flags
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
RASA_PRO_BETA_E2E_ASSERTIONS | Enables E2E testing with assertions. More info here. | false |
RASA_PRO_BETA_STUB_CUSTOM_ACTION | Stub custom actions during E2E Testing. More info here. | false |
RASA_PRO_BETA_E2E_CONVERSION | Convert ideal sample conversations into e2e test cases. More info here. | false |
RASA_PRO_BETA_FINE_TUNING_RECIPE | Ensure comprehensive coverage of your system for fine-tuning. More info here. | false |
RASA_PRO_BETA_REPEAT_COMMAND | Voice conversational repair pattern which defines the behaviour when a user asks the assistant to repeat the last message. More info here. | false |
RASA_PRO_BETA_VIER | Enables usage of the vier_cvg voice connector. | false |
Advanced configuration
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
COMPRESS_ACTION_SERVER_REQUEST | Toggle compression of HTTP requests sent to the Action Server. | false |
RASA_MAX_CACHE_SIZE | The maximum size of the training cache, in MB. | 1000 |
RASA_CACHE_NAME | The filename of the training cache. | "cache.db" |
RASA_CACHE_DIRECTORY | The directory for the training cache. | ".rasa/cache/" |
RASA_SHELL_STREAM_READING_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS | The stream reading timeout for rasa shell , in seconds. | 10 |
SANIC_BACKLOG | The number of unaccepted connections that the HTTP server and NLG server will allow before refusing new connections. | 100 |
SANIC_WORKERS | The number of HTTP workers when enabling the HTTP server. | 1 |
READ_YAML_FILE_CACHE_MAXSIZE | The maximum size of the LRU (Least Recently Used) cache for reading and parsing YAML files. | 256 |
Rasa Pro Services
The Rasa Pro Services docker container supports configuration through several environment variables. The following table lists the available environment variables:
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
RASA_PRO_LICENSE | Required. The license key for Rasa Pro Services. | |
KAFKA_BROKER_ADDRESS | Required. The address of the Kafka broker. | |
KAFKA_TOPIC | Required. The topic Rasa Pro publishes events to and Rasa Pro consumes from. | rasa_core_events |
LOGGING_LEVEL | Set the log level of the application. Valid levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. (Available from 3.0.2) | INFO |
RASA_ANALYTICS_DB_URL | The URL of the data lake to store analytics data in. | |
KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM | The SASL mechanism to use for authentication. Valid mechanisms are | PLAIN |
KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME | The username for SASL authentication. | |
KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD | The password for SASL authentication. | |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | The security protocol to use for communication with Kafka. Supported mechanisms are PLAINTEXT and SASL_PLAINTEXT . | PLAINTEXT |
KAFKA_SSL_CA_LOCATION | The filepath for SSL CA Certificate that will be used to connect with Kafka (Available from 3.1.0b1 ) |
Rasa Studio
These environment variables take precedence over the values in the global.yml
file, that is created with rasa studio config
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
RASA_STUDIO_AUTH_SERVER_URL | (Rasa Pro) URL of the Authentication Server. | |
RASA_STUDIO_CLI_STUDIO_URL | (Rasa Pro) URL of the Studio Data Endpoint. | |
RASA_STUDIO_CLI_REALM_NAME_KEY | (Rasa Pro) Name of the Keycloak realm which hold the data about client ID and client secret. | |
RASA_STUDIO_CLI_CLIENT_ID_KEY | (Rasa Pro) Client ID used to authenticate rasa studio CLI tool with Keycloak |
Rasa SDK
The Rasa SDK docker container supports configuration through several environment variables. The following table lists the available environment variables:
Environment Variable | Description | Default |
ACTION_SERVER_SANIC_WORKERS | The number of Sanic HTTP workers in the Action server. | 1 |
LOG_LEVEL_LIBRARIES | The log level of third-party libraries. See Log level configuration. | ERROR |