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Custom Actions in Rasa

Imagine you’re developing a digital banking assistant. A user asks, “What’s my account balance?” Instead of delivering a simple response or handing the chat over to an agent, your assistant reaches out to your banking API, retrieves the current balance, and responds with personalized information.

You can achieve this using custom actions in Rasa. Custom Actions are a flexible code interface to extend your assistant's capabilities beyond conversations.

Using custom actions, you can:

  • Query databases: Retrieve user information in real-time.
  • Call APIs: Connect to external services for up-to-date data.
  • Execute business logic: Process information and make decisions dynamically.
  • Generate dynamic responses: Tailor interactions based on current data.

How it works

Custom actions are run during conversations—you can specify whether you'd like them to be called as part of a flow by including it as a step or based off of a set of conditions. Once triggered, the custom action runs your code, and returns values that you can use to influence the business logic of your conversation.

Key components

Custom Actions in Rasa have two key methods:

  • Action name name: A unique identifier that Rasa uses to trigger the action.
  • Run method run: The custom logic that you want the action to run

Input and output of actions

Actions can reference parts of the conversation state and the responses can be stored as values in the assistant's memory (as slots) or directly sent to the user as a message.

In an action you can:

  • Reference the conversation state: This is accessible through the tracker (ie. reading slot values or checking the latest message)
  • Return events: Save values by returning events (ie. setting slots)
  • Send messages: Send messages directly back to the user through the dispatcher (note: we recommend to leverage responses rather than using this method for better validation support)


In this example, the assistant is supporting the user to book a restaurant. It first asks for some details about the users preference and then uses that input to query an API for availability based off of the user's preferences. The custom action might look something like this:
from typing import Any, Text, Dict, List
from rasa_sdk import Action, Tracker
from rasa_sdk.executor import CollectingDispatcher

class ActionCheckRestaurants(Action):
def name(self) -> Text:
return "action_check_restaurants"

def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

cuisine = tracker.get_slot('cuisine') # Get what cuisine the user wants from the tracker
results = search_database(cuisine) # Do something with that information
return [SlotSet("matches", results)] # Store the results in a slot

Storing response values

A typical usecase for actions is to use the return response as a stored value in your assistant's memory so that you can reference it in conditional logic or in flows. When a Custom Action queries a database or calls an API, it can store the retrieved information in slots, which your assistant can then use to, make decisions about the conversation flow, provide personalized responses to the user, remember important details for future interactions or validate user inputs against business rules.

In the previous example, once the custom action has returned the response from the API, you can then use the reponse values to set a slot that renders some buttons that allows your user to select their preferred booking option.

Trying out your Actions

Rasa determines that a custom action needs to be executed based on the flow. Rasa sends conversation information such as the conversation history, slots, and domain information to your custom action. Your custom action then sends a response back to Rasa, which might include updated slot values, responses to be sent to the user, or follow-up events.

Once you're happy with your action, you have a few different options to try it out in your assistant.

In server mode, an action server communicates with the main Rasa server through HTTP/HTTPS protocol. We recommend this approach for use in a production, staging or development environment. You can read more about how to deploy an action server here (../link-to-reference)

In module mode, custom actions are executed directly within the Rasa Assistant without the need for a separate Action Server. This method works well for local testing testing, and simpler deployments where ease of use is a priority.

Next Steps

Custom actions form the bridge between your assistant and your business systems. As you build your custom actions, we recommend to implement a comprehensive error handling system (e.g. APIs being unavailable) and provide clear feedback to users when operations don't go as planned.

For more detailed information, check our Custom Actions Reference.