
This is documentation for Rasa X/Enterprise Documentation v1.1.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (1.4.x).

Version: 1.1.x


The system on which you plan to install Rasa Enterprise must fulfill the following requirements:

Cluster Requirements

Cluster Orchestration Software

Installation on either a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster is supported. You can get a managed cluster from a cloud provider like Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure, or Amazon EKS.

You can use Rasa Ephemeral Installer(REI) to set up a single-machine Kubernetes cluster for non-production deployments.

Resource Requirements

To install the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart, you need an existing Kubernetes cluster or OpenShift cluster.

The requirements of the single pods can vary. We recommend providing at least the following resources for the following required services:

rasa-x11 GiB
event-service21 GiB
db-migration-service1500 MiB

The following services can either be disabled or can run as external services, not managed by the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart. For those which you choose to deploy using the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart, we recommend the following resources:

nginx0.2200 MiB
app0.5200 MiB
duckling0.5200 MiB
postgresql1250 MiB
rabbit0.2250 MiB
redis0.2250 MiB

Deploying Rasa Open Source servers as part of the Rasa Enterprise Helm chart will be deprecated in the future. If you are currently using this functionality, note that resource requirements for the rasa-production and rasa-worker deployments is highly dependent on the amount of training data, settings of the training config, and the resulting size of the model being served. The resources below are suggestions to start out with only:

rasa-production22 GiB
rasa-worker44 GiB

We recommend a size of 10 GiB for the Rasa Enterprise volume claim and 30 GiB for the database volume claim.

Database requirements

Supported Databases

The following databases are supported. Please note these requirements are only for the Rasa Enterprise database, see the Rasa Open Source docs for tracker store database options.

  • PostgreSQL 12.8 or newer

    • PostgreSQL comes bundled with an installation of Rasa Enterprise. As a replacement for the bundled database, you can also use an external PostgreSQL database (e.g. a Google Cloud managed instance, or AWS RDS).

    • For Rasa Enterprise < 1.0.0 installations PostgreSQL 11.7 was used as default version. In the migration guide, you can learn how to migrate from PostgreSQL 11 to 12.8.

  • Oracle 19

    • A database connection with Oracle has to be initialised with UTF-8 encoding, e.g. DB_URL=oracle+cx_oracle://${DB_USERNAME}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}?encoding=utf8

Support for Oracle will be dropped in the future.

Database Permissions

Databases used by Rasa Enterprise or related services should be exclusive to these services. Do not make direct changes to the database, schemas, roles, or other objects except when following instructions in the documentation.

  • By default, Rasa Enterprise uses the public schema. This can be changed by setting the POSTGRESQL_SCHEMA environment variable.
  • The database role used by Rasa Enterprise should be the owner of the target schema, or it should have at least the CREATE privilege on the target schema.
  • The database role used by Rasa Enterprise should have the LOGIN, PASSWORD and INHERIT attributes.
  • Rasa Enterprise requires read access to tables in the system catalog schema (pg_catalog). In most cases this won't need to be explicitly configured.

Supported Event Brokers

The following event brokers are supported:

  • Kafka 2.6 or newer
  • RabbitMQ 3.8.3 or newer

Subchart Version Requirements

The Rasa Enterprise Helm chart by default make use of three Bitnami subcharts, which pull the images in the table below. These are the versions of the subcharts and images we test against:

SubchartChart VersionImageImage Version

If you choose to override the subchart defaults, or use external instances of them, you should verify in the relevant changelogs whether the versions you are using take different values than the ones listed below or on the Helm chart repo.

Supported Browsers

The Rasa Rasa Enterprise web interface aims to support browsers that meet the following criteria:

  • 0.2% market share
  • not Internet Explorer
  • not Opera Mini