
This is documentation for Rasa X/Enterprise Documentation v1.0.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (1.4.x).

Version: 1.0.x


Installation requirements

The system on which you plan to install Rasa X / Enterprise must fulfill the following requirements:

Supported Operating Systems

The following operating systems are supported:

  • Ubuntu (18.04/20.04)
  • CentOS (7/8)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Unsupported Operating Systems

  • Windows: Rasa X / Enterprise is developed for Linux-based systems. The software does not run on Windows and there are no plans to add support for it.

  • macOS: Running Rasa X / Enterprise on macOS is possible, but not supported.

Software Requirements

Supported Event Brokers

The following event brokers are supported:

  • Kafka 2.6 or newer
  • RabbitMQ 3.8.3 or newer

Database requirements

Supported Databases

The following databases are supported. Please note these requirements are only for the Rasa X / Enterprise database, see the Rasa Open Source docs for tracker store database options.

  • PostgreSQL 12.8 or newer

    • PostgreSQL comes bundled with an installation of Rasa X. As a replacement for the bundled database, you can also use an external PostgreSQL database (e.g. a Google Cloud managed instance, or AWS RDS).

    • For Rasa X < 1.0.0 installations PostgreSQL 11.7 was used as default version. In the migration guide, you can learn how to migrate from PostgreSQL 11 to 12.8.

  • Oracle 19

    • A database connection with Oracle has to be initialised with UTF-8 encoding, e.g. DB_URL=oracle+cx_oracle://${DB_USERNAME}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}?encoding=utf8

Support for Oracle will be dropped in the future.

Database Permissions

Databases used by Rasa X / Enterprise or related services should be exclusive to these services. Do not make direct changes to the database, schemas, roles, or other objects except when following instructions in the documentation.

  • By default, Rasa X / Enterprise uses the public schema. This can be changed by setting the POSTGRESQL_SCHEMA environment variable.
  • The database role used by Rasa X / Enterprise should be the owner of the target schema, or it should have at least the CREATE privilege on the target schema.
  • The database role used by Rasa X / Enterprise should have the LOGIN, PASSWORDandINHERIT` attributes.
  • Rasa X / Enterprise requires read access to tables in the system catalog schema (pg_catalog). In most cases this won't need to be explicitly configured.

Hardware Requirements

Minimum Requirements / Recommended:

  • Dual Core CPU / Quad Core CPU
  • 8 GB RAM / 16 GB RAM
  • 20 GB / 50 GB Free Disk Space

Supported Browsers

The Rasa X / Rasa Enterprise web interface aims to support browsers that meet the following criteria:

  • 0.2% market share
  • not Internet Explorer
  • not Opera Mini