
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
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Version: Main/Unreleased

Intentless Policy - LLMs for intentless dialogues

The intentless policy uses large language models to drive a conversation forward without relying on intent predictions.

Rasa Pro Only
Rasa Labs
Rasa Labs access - New in 3.7.0b1

Rasa Labs features are experimental. We introduce experimental features to co-create with our customers. To find out more about how to participate in our Labs program visit our Rasa Labs page.

We are continuously improving Rasa Labs features based on customer feedback. To benefit from the latest bug fixes and feature improvements, please install the latest pre-release using:

pip install 'rasa-plus>3.6' --pre --upgrade

The new intentless policy leverages large language models (LLMs) to complement existing rasa components and make it easier:

  • to build assistants without needing to define a lot of intent examples
  • to handle conversations where messages don't fit into intents and conversation context is necessary to choose a course of action.

Using the IntentlessPolicy, a question-answering bot can already understanding many different ways that users could phrase their questions - even across a series of user messages:

Example of a question-answering experience

This only requires appropriate responses to be defined in the domain file.

To eliminate hallucinations, the policy only chooses which response from your domain file to send. It does not generate new text.

In addition, you can control the LLM by:

  • providing example conversations (end-to-end stories) which will be used in the prompt.
  • setting the confidence threshold to determine when the intentless policy should kick in.

This repository contains a starter pack with a bot that uses the IntentlessPolicy. It's a good starting point for trying out the policy and for extending it.


Webinar demo showing that this policy can already handle some advanced linguistic phenomena out of the box.

The examples in the webinar recording are also part of the end-to-end tests defined in the example repository in (tests/e2e_test_stories.yml).

Adding the Intentless Policy to your bot

The IntentlessPolicy is part of the rasa_plus package. To add it to your bot, add it to your config.yml:

# ... any other policies you have
- name:


Combining with NLU predictions

The intentless policy can be combined with NLU components which predict intents. This is useful if you want to use the intentless policy for some parts of your bot, but still want to use the traditional NLU components for other intents.

The nlu_abstention_threshold can be set to a value between 0 and 1. If the NLU prediction confidence is below this threshold, the intentless policy will be used if it's confidence is higher than the NLU prediction. Above the threshold, the NLU prediction will always be used.

The following example shows the default configuration in the config.yml:

# ... any other policies you have
- name:
nlu_abstention_threshold: 0.9

If unset, nlu_abstention_threshold defaults to 0.9.

LLM / Embeddings configuration

You can customize the openai models used for generation and embedding.

Embedding Model

By default, OpenAI will be used for embeddings. You can configure the embeddings.model_name property in the config.yml file to change the used embedding model:

# ... any other policies you have
- name:
model_name: text-embedding-ada-002

Defaults to text-embedding-ada-002. The model name needs to be set to an available embedding model..

LLM Model

By default, OpenAI is used for LLM generation. You can configure the llm.model_name property in the config.yml file to specify which OpenAI model to use:

# ... any other policies you have
- name:
model_name: text-davinci-003

Defaults to text-davinci-003. The model name needs to be set to an available GPT-3 LLM model.

If you want to use Azure OpenAI Service, you can configure the necessary parameters as described in the Azure OpenAI Service section.

Other LLMs / Embeddings

By default, OpenAI is used as the underlying LLM and embedding provider.

The used LLM provider and embeddings provider can be configured in the config.yml file to use another provider, e.g. cohere:

# ... any other policies you have
- name:
type: "cohere"
type: "cohere"

For more information, see the LLM setup page on llms and embeddings.

Other Policies

For any rule-based policies in your pipeline, set use_nlu_confidence_as_score: True. Otherwise, the rule-based policies will always make predictions with confidence value 1.0, ignoring any uncertainty from the NLU prediction:

- name: MemoizationPolicy
max_history: 5
use_nlu_confidence_as_score: True
- name: RulePolicy
use_nlu_confidence_as_score: True
- name:

This is important because the intentless policy kicks in only if the other policies are uncertain:

  • If there is a high-confidence NLU prediction and a matching story/rule, the RulePolicy or MemoizationPolicy will be used.

  • If there is a high-confidence NLU prediction but no matching story/ rule, the IntentlessPolicy will kick in.

  • If the NLU prediction has low confidence, the IntentlessPolicy will kick in.

  • If the IntentlessPolicy prediction has low confidence, the RulePolicy will trigger fallback based on the core_fallback_threshold.

When does the intentless policy predict

What about TED?

There is no reason why you can't also have TED in your configuration. However,

  • TED frequently makes predictions with very high confidence values (~0.99) so will often override what the IntentlessPolicy is doing.
  • TED and the IntentlessPolicy are trying to solve similar problems, so your system is easier to reason about if you just use one or the other.

Steering the Intentless Policy

The first step to steering the intentless policy is adding and editing responses in the domain file. Any response in the domain file can be chosen as an response by the intentless policy. This whitelisting ensures that your assistant can never utter any inappropriate responses.

- text:
We currently offer 24 currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD,
and more!
- text:
Absolutely! We offer a feature that allows you to set up automatic
transfers to your account while you're away. Would you like to learn more
about this feature?
- text:
You can contact our customer service team to have your PIN unblocked. You
can reach them by calling our toll-free number at 1-800-555-1234.

Beyond having the utter_ prefix, the naming of the utterances is not relevant.

The second step is to add end-to-end stories to data/e2e_stories.yml. These stories teach the LLM about your domain, so it can figure out when to say what.

- story: currencies
- user: How many different currencies can I hold money in?
- action: utter_faq_4
- story: automatic transfers travel
- user: Can I add money automatically to my account while traveling?
- action: utter_faq_5
- story: user gives a reason why they can't visit the branch
- user: I'd like to add my wife to my credit card
- action: utter_faq_10
- user: I've got a broken leg
- action: utter_faq_11

The stories and utterances in combination are used to steer the LLM. The difference here to the existing policies is, that you don't need to add a lot of intent examples to get this system going.


The policy is a usual Rasa Policy and can be tested in the same way as any other policy.

Testing interactively

Once trained, you can test your assistant interactively by running the following command:

rasa shell

If a flow you'd like to implement doesn't already work out of the box, you can add try to change the examples for the intentless policy. Don't forget that you can also add and edit the traditional Rasa primitives like intents, entities, slots, rules, etc. as you normally would. The IntentlessPolicy will kick in only when the traditional primitives have low confidence.

End-to-End stories

As part of the beta, we're also releasing a beta version of a new End-To-End testing framework. The rasa test e2e command allows you to test your bot end-to-end, i.e. from the user's perspective. You can use it to test your bot in a variety of ways, including testing the IntentlessPolicy.

To use the new testing framework, you need to define a set of test cases in a test folder, e.g. tests/e2e_test_stories.yml. The test cases are defined in a similar format as stories are, but contain the user's messages and the bot's responses. Here's an example:

- test_case: transfer charge
- user: how can I send money without getting charged?
- utter: utter_faq_0
- user: not zelle. a normal transfer
- utter: utter_faq_7

Please ensure all your test stories have unique names! After setting the beta feature flag for E2E testing in your current shell with export RASA_PRO_BETA_E2E=true, you can run the tests with rasa test e2e -f tests/e2e_test_stories.yml

Security Considerations

The intentless policy uses the OpenAI API to create responses. This means that your users conversations are sent to OpenAI's servers.

The response generated by OpenAI is not send back to the bot's user. However, the user can craft messages that will misslead the intentless policy. These cases are handled gracefully and fallbacks are triggered.

The prompt used for classification won't be exposed to the user using prompt injection. This is because the generated response from the LLM is mapped to one of the existing responses from the domain, preventing any leakage of the prompt to the user.

More detailed information can be found in Rasa's webinar on LLM Security in the Enterprise.


What about entities?

Entities are currently not handled by the intentless policy. They have to still be dealt with using the traditional NLU approaches and slots.

What about custom actions?

At this point, the intentless policy can only predict utterances but not custom actions. Triggering custom actions needs to be done by traditional policies, such as the rule- or memoization policy.