Connecting to Messaging and Voice Channels
Connecting to A Channel
Learn how to make your assistant available on:
Testing Channels on Your Local Machine
If you're running a Rasa server on localhost
most external channels won't be able to find your server URL, since localhost
is not open to the internet.
To make a port on your local machine publicly available on the internet, you can use ngrok. Alternatively, see this list tracking and comparing other tunneling solutions.
After installing ngrok, run:
ngrok http 5005; rasa run
When you follow the instructions to make your assistant available on a channel, use the ngrok URL.
Specifically, wherever the instructions say to use https://<host>:<port>/webhooks/<CHANNEL>/webhook
use <ngrok_url>/webhooks/<CHANNEL>/webhook
, replacing <ngrok_url>
with the randomly generated
URL displayed in your ngrok terminal window. For example, if connecting your bot to Slack,
your URL should resemble
With the free-tier of ngrok, you can run into limits on how many connections you can make per minute. As of writing this, it is set to 40 connections / minute.
Alternatively you can make your assistant listen on a specific address using the -i
command line
rasa run -p 5005 -i
This is particularly useful when your internet facing machines connect to backend servers using a VPN interface.