Audiocodes VoiceAI Connect
Use this channel to connect your Rasa assistant to Audiocodes VoiceAI connect.
Getting Credentials
To get credentials, create a bot on the VoiceAI connect portal.
- Select Bots in the left sidebar.
- Click on the + sign to create a new bot.
- Select Rasa Pro as the Bot Framework
- Set the bot URL and choose a token value.
- "Validate the bot configuration" once you have completed the "Setting credentials" section and the bot is running. Validation will only succeed if the bot is running and the token is correctly set.
Visit this section to learn how to generate the required bot URL when testing the channel on your local machine.
Setting credentials
The token value chosen above will be used in the credentials.yml
- Rasa Pro <=3.7.x
- Rasa Pro >=3.8.x
token: "token"
token: "token"
You can also specify optional parameters:
Parameter | Default value | Description |
token | No default value | The token to authenticate calls between your Rasa assistant and VoiceAI connect |
use_websocket | true | If true , Rasa will send messages through a web socket. If set to false , Rasa will send messages through http API calls. |
keep_alive | 120 | In seconds. For each ongoing conversation, VoiceAI Connect will periodically verify the conversation is still active on the Rasa side. |
Then restart your Rasa server to make the new channel endpoint available.
We have unified the call handling patterns across Voice Channel Connectors, all voice channels handle call starts, ends and metadata in a similar manner.
Receiving messages from a user
When a user speaks on the phone, VoiceAI Connect will send a text message (after it is processed by the speech-to-text engine) to your assistant like any other channel. This message will be interpreted by Rasa and handled by the dialogue engine, and the response will be sent back to VoiceAI Connect to be converted to a voice message and delivered to the user.
Sending messages to a user
Your bot will respond with text messages like with any other channel. The text-to-speech engine will convert the text and deliver it as a voice message to the user.
Here is an example:
- text: "Hello! isn’t every life and every work beautiful?"
Only text messages are allowed. Images, attachments, and buttons cannot be used with a voice channel.
DTMF and Other Events
Rasa receives the intent /vaig_event_DTMF
when receiving a DTMF
tone (i.e user presses digit on the keyboard of the phone). The
digit(s) sent will be passed in the value
The general pattern is that for every Audiocodes event
, the bot will receive
the vaig_event_<event>
intent, with context information in entities.
Check the VoiceAI Connect documentation for an exhaustive list of events.
Configuring calls
You can send events from Rasa to VoiceAI Connect to make changes to the current call configuration. For example, you might want to receive a notification when the user stays silent for more than 5 seconds, or you might need to customize how DTMF digits are sent by VoiceAI Connect.
Call configuration events are sent with custom messages and are specific to the current conversation (sometimes to a message). Which means they must be part of your stories or rules so the same behaviour is applied to all conversations.
Those Rasa responses don't utter anything, they just configure the voice
gateway. It is a good practice naming them differently, for example prefixing
them with utter_config_<what_it_does>
All the supported events are exhaustively documented in the VoiceAI Connect documentation. We will look at one example here to illustrate the use of custom messages and events.
Example: changing a pin code
In this example we create a flow to allow a user to change a pin code.
- rule: Set pin code
# User says "I want to change my pin code"
- intent: set_pin_code
# Send the noUserInput configuration event
- action: utter_config_no_user_input
# Send the DTMF format configuration event
- action: utter_config_dtmf_pin_code
# A standard Rasa form to collect the pin code from the user
- action: pin_code_form
- ...
In the domain, we can add the utter_config_<config_event>
- custom:
type: event
name: config
# If user stays silent for 5 seconds or more, the notification will be sent
userNoInputTimeoutMS: 5000
# If you want to allow for more than one notification during a call
userNoInputRetries: 2
# Enable the noUserInput notification
userNoInputSendEvent: true
- custom:
type: event
name: config
# Enable grouped collection (i.e will send all digits in a single payload)
dtmfCollect: true
# If more than 5 secs have passed since a digit was pressed,
# the input is considered completed and will be sent to the bot
dtmfCollectInterDigitTimeoutMS: 5000
# If 6 digits are collected, VoiceAI will send those 6 digits
# even if the user keeps pressing buttons
dtmfCollectMaxDigits: 6
# If the user presses '#' the input is considered complete
dtmfCollectSubmitDigit: "#"
Now you can configure the pin_code
slot in the pin_code_form
to extract
the pin code from the value
entity with the vaig_event_DTMF
type: text
influence_conversation: false
- type: from_entity
entity: value
intent: vaig_event_DTMF
not_intent: vaig_event_noUserInput
- active_loop: pin_code_form
requested_slot: pin_code
Notice how vaig_event_noUserInput
was declared in the not_intent
Since the vaig_event_noUserInput
intent is sent by VoiceAI Connect when the
user stays silent as per our configuration,
we must deactivate the form so we can pick up the conversation from a rule or
a story and gracefully handle the failure.
In the following example, we simply cancel the current flow if we receive
the vaig_event_noUserInput
intent (i.e. user stays silent) while the
loop is active.
- rule: Set pin code - happy path
- intent: set_pin_code
- action: utter_config_no_user_input
- action: utter_config_dtmf_pin_code
- action: pin_code_form
- active_loop: pin_code_form
- active_loop: null
- slot_was_set:
- requested_slot: null
- action: utter_pin_code_changed
- action: action_pin_code_cleanup
- rule: Set pin code - no response - cancel.
- active_loop: pin_code_form
- intent: vaig_event_noUserInput
- action: utter_cancel_set_pin_code
- action: action_deactivate_loop
- active_loop: null