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Business Logic with Flows

New in 3.7

Flows are part of Rasa's new Conversational AI with Language Models (CALM) approach and available starting with version 3.7.0.


In CALM, the business logic of your AI assistant is implemented as a set of flows. Each flow describes the logical steps your AI assistant uses to complete a task. It describes the information you need from the user, data you need to retrieve from an API or a database, and branching logic based on the information collected.

A flow in Rasa only describes the logic your assistant follows, not all the potential paths conversations can take. If you're used to designing AI assistants by creating flow charts of how conversations should go, you'll see that flows in Rasa are much simpler. Check out Rasa Studio to build flows with a web interface.

To get familiar with how flows work, follow the tutorial. This page provides a reference of the format and properties of flows.

Hello World

A Flow is defined using YAML syntax. Here is an example of a simple flow:

description: A simple flow that greets the user
- action: utter_greet

Flow Properties

A flow is defined using the following properties:

a_flow: # required id
name: "A flow" # optional name
description: "required description of what the flow does"
always_include_in_prompt: false # optional boolean, defaults to false
run_pattern_completed: true # optional boolean, defaults to true
if: "condition" # optional flow guard
block_digressions: true # optional boolean or array of flow IDs
ask_confirm_digressions: true # optional boolean or array of flow IDs
nlu_trigger: # optional list of intents that can start a flow
- intent: "starting_flow_intent"
persisted_slots: [] # optional list of slots that should be persisted at the conversation level after the flow ends
steps: [] # required list of steps

Flow ID

The id is required and uniquely identifies the flow among all flows. It allows only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, with the restriction that the first character cannot be a hyphen.


The name field is an optional human readable name for the flow.


The description field is a summary of the flow. It is required, and should describe what the flow does for the user. Writing a clear description is important, because it is used by the Dialogue Understanding component to decide when to start this flow. See Starting Flows for more details. Additionally, for guidelines on how to write concise and clear descriptions see the section provided here.

Always Include in Prompt

If always_include_in_prompt field is set to true and the flow guard defined in the if field evaluates to true, the flow will be always be included in the prompt

NLU Trigger property

The nlu_trigger field is used to add intents that can start the flow.

Run Pattern Completed

The run_pattern_completed field is used to determine if the pattern_completed flow should be run when the conversation is finished. This field is only applicable to the parent flows which are not called by other flows.

If property

The if field is used to add flow guards.

Handling Digressions At Flow Level

New in 3.12

You can choose to either block digressions or ask for confirmation before switching to a different flow while the assistant is collecting information from the user.

You can define how the assistant should handle digressions during a flow's collect step. You can use one of the following properties depending on your use-case:

  • block_digressions indicates that the digression should be temporarily blocked and returned to once the flow completes
  • ask_confirm_digressions indicates that the bot should ask the user to confirm which flow they would like to continue with: either the previous flow or the digression.

Both properties accept an array of flow IDs to specify which digression flows the chosen behavior should apply to. If you choose to define both properties, note that there should be no overlap between the flow IDs. Alternatively, the properties can also accept boolean values: a true value for block_digressions will instruct the assistant to block all digressions. For example:

description: This flow adds a new contact to the user's phone book.
block_digressions: true
- collect: name
- collect: phone_number
- action: add_contact

If you choose not to define these properties, the assistant will handle the digressions as an interruption to the current flow.

You can also define either the block_digressions or ask_confirm_digressions properties at individual collect steps, if you do not want the behaviour to apply universally to all collect steps in the flow.

If you have decided to define handling digressions behaviour at both the flow and step level, the configurations will be merged according to these rules:

  • if you have set either of the allowed properties to true, it will take precedence for the respective collect step.
  • if you have set either of the allowed properties to an array of flow IDs, the flow IDs will be merged into a set of unique flow IDs for the respective collect step.

Clarifying Multiple Pending Digressions

If during the flow execution, multiple digressions are blocked, the assistant will ask the user to clarify which flow they would like to continue with after the initial flow completes. For this reason, the pattern_clarification has been updated to listen for a user answer that specifies the digression they would like to continue with. If the user instead decides to cancel and a Cancel command was correctly predicted by the command generator, the assistant will cancel all the pending digression flows.

Persisted Slots

By default, slots set in a collect and set_slot step are reset when the flow ends. To change this behavior, you can add these slots to the persisted_slots field.

The persisted_slots field is used to specify a list of slots whose value should be persisted after the flow ends. These slots have to be filled in either a collect or set_slots step in the flow.

description: This flow lets users send money to friends and family.
- recipient
- amount
- collect: recipient
- id: ask_amount
collect: amount
description: the number of US dollars to send
- action: action_check_sufficient_funds
- if: not has_sufficient_funds
- action: utter_insufficient_funds
- set_slots:
- amount: null
next: ask_amount
- else: final_confirmation

Validation Rules for persisted_slots property

During training, Rasa Pro implements the following strict validation checks for the persisted_slots property:

  • The persisted_slots property cannot be simultaneously used with the reset_after_flow_ends property of the collect step in a flow.

    A validation error will be thrown by Rasa Pro during training if both properties are used in a flow. Only one of the two properties can be used in a flow, not both.

  • The persisted_slots property should only contain slots that are filled in either a collect or set_slots step in the flow.

    A validation error will be thrown by Rasa Pro during training if a slot that is not set in a collect or set_slots step is added to the persisted_slots property.

    Please note, slots set in custom actions are automatically persistent by default and should not be added to the persisted_slots property. Attempting to do so will also result in a validation error.


The steps field is required and lists the flow steps. There are six types of steps:

  • action step: a custom action or utterance action run by the flow
  • collect step: a question asked to the user to fill a slot
  • call step: a step to call another flow
  • link step: a step to link another flow after this flow is finished
  • set slots step: a step to set slots
  • noop step: a step to create conditions without necessarily running an action, uttering a response, collecting a slot or linking / calling another flow in that step itself.

All steps share these common properties:

- id: "an_optional_unique_id"
next: "an id or conditions to determine which step should be executed next"

Id Property

The id field is an optional unique identifier for each step. It is used to reference the step in the next field of other steps.

Next Property

The next field specifies which step is executed after this one. If it is omitted, the following step in the list is the next one.

To link a specific step, you can use the next step's id:

- collect: name
next: the_next_step
- id: the_next_step
collect: age

You can also create a nested structure by listing steps under the next field:

- collect: name
- collect: age

This is sometimes easier to read, especially when using conditions to create branching logic. For example:

- collect: age
- if: slots.age < 18
- action: utter_not_old_enough
next: END
- if: slots.age >= 18 and slots.age < 65
then: 18_to_65_step
- else: over_65_step

Depending on the user's input value for age, this example show the flow proceeding to different steps. Note the age slot must be prefixed by the slots. namespace to be accessible in the condition. For namespaces, navigate to the Namespaces section.

When a condition is met that leads to next: END, the flow will complete without executing further steps.

Step Types

Every step in a flow has a type. The type determines what the step does and what properties it supports. A step must have exactly one of they following keys:

  • action
  • collect
  • link
  • call
  • set_slots
  • noop


A step with the key action: action_do_something instructs your assistant to execute action_do_something and then proceed to the next step. It will not wait for user input.

The value of the action key is either the name of a custom action:

- action: action_check_sufficient_funds

Or the name of a response defined in your domain:

- action: utter_insufficient_funds


A step with a collect key instructs your assistant to request information from the user to fill a slot. For example:

- collect: account_type # slot name

Your assistant will not proceed to the next step in the flow until the slot account_type has been filled. See the tutorial for more information about slot filling and defining slots in your domain file.

Instead of a response you can also define a custom action called action_ask_recipient to phrase the question along with, for example, some buttons to the user. Make sure to add the custom action to your domain file.

- action_ask_recipient

You can define either a response or a custom action for your collect step. It is not possible to define both. A validation error will be thrown by Rasa if both are defined.

Slot Descriptions

An optional description field can be added to the collect step to guide the language model in extracting slot values.

- collect: account_type
description: "Account type is one of checking, savings, money market, or IRA."

The description field can be used to perform slot validation:

- collect: zip_code
description: |
A US postal code, having either 5 or 9 digits.
For example, "60613" or "60613-1060".

Always Asking Questions

By default, a collect step is skipped if the corresponding slot is already filled. If a collect step should always be asked, no matter if the underlying slot is already filled, you can set ask_before_filling: true on the collect step:

- collect: final_confirmation # slot name
ask_before_filling: true

If the "final_confirmation" slot is already filled, the assistant will clear it and proceed to ask the collect step, then fill the slot again. This ensures the confirmation collect step is always asked.

Resetting slots at the End of a Flow

By default, all slots filled via collect steps are reset when a flow completes. Once the flow ends, the slot's value is either reset to null or to the slot's initial value (if provided in the domain file under slots).

If you want to retain the value of a slot after the flow completes, set the reset_after_flow_ends property to false. For example:

- collect: user_name
reset_after_flow_ends: false
Deprecation Warning

Configuring reset_after_flow_ends in collect steps is deprecated in version 3.11.0 and will be removed in Rasa Pro 4.0.0. Please use the persisted_slots property at the flow level instead.

In coexistence mode, this behavior has to be enforced by annotating the slot definition with the property shared_for_coexistence: True.

Using a different response key for the collect step

By default, Rasa will look for a response called utter_ask_{slot_name} to execute a collect step. You can use a response with a different key by adding an utter property to the step.

For example:

description: This flow helps the user to replace a supplementary card for a family member.
- collect: account_type
utter: utter_ask_secondary_account_type
next: ask_account_number

Using an action to ask for information in collect step

Instead of using a templated response for the collect step you can also use a custom action. This is useful if you, for example, want to display available values for the slot fetched from a database as buttons. Rasa will look for an action called action_ask_{slot_name} to execute a collect step. The custom action needs to strictly follow the specified naming convention. Make sure to add the custom action action_ask_{slot_name} to your domain file.

- action_ask_{slot_name}

You don't need to update the collect step itself to use the custom action. The collect step inside the flow stays the same, for example,

- collect: {slot_name}

You can define either a response or a custom action for your collect step. It is not allowed to define both. A validation error will be thrown by Rasa if both are defined.

Slot validation

You can define slot validation rules directly in your flow yaml file by adding a rejections property to any collect step. The rejections section is a list of mappings. Each mapping must have if and utter mandatory properties:

  • the if property is a condition written in natural language and evaluated using the pypred library. In the condition, you can only use the slot name that is collected in this step. At the moment, using other slots is not supported.
  • the utter property is the name of the response the assistant will send if the condition evaluates to True.

Here is an example:

description: This flow verifies if the user is eligible for creating an account.
- collect: age
- if: slots.age < 1
utter: utter_invalid_age
- if: slots.age < 18
utter: utter_age_at_least_18
next: ask_email

When validation fails, your assistant will automatically try to collect the information again. The assistant will repeatedly ask for the slot until the value is not rejected.

If the predicate defined in the if property is invalid, the assistant will log an error and respond with the utter_internal_error_rasa response which by default is Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding you right now. Please try again later.

You can override the text message for utter_internal_error_rasa by adding this response with the custom text in your domain file.


For more complex validation logic, you can also define slot validation in a custom action. Note this custom action must follow this naming convention: validate_{slot_name}.

Handling Digressions at Collect Step Level

New in 3.12

You can either block digressions or ask for confirmation before switching to a different flow while the assistant is collecting information from the user.

You can define how the assistant should handle digressions when the assistant reached the collect step. You can use one of the following properties depending on your use-case:

  • block_digressions indicates that the digression should be temporarily blocked and returned to once the flow completes
  • ask_confirm_digressions indicates that the bot should ask the user to confirm which flow they would like to continue with: either the previous flow or the digression.

Both properties accept an array of flow IDs to specify which digression flows the chosen behavior should apply to. If you choose to define both properties, note that there should be no overlap between the flow IDs. Alternatively, the properties can also accept boolean values: a true value will instruct the assistant to block all digressions, while a false value will allow digressions to continue as usual.

For example:

description: This flow adds a new contact to the user's phone book.
- collect: name
- order_pizza
- collect: phone_number
- check_balance
- action: add_contact

If you choose not to define these properties, the assistant will handle the digressions as an interruption to the current flow.

You can also define either the block_digressions or ask_confirm_digressions properties at the flow level, if you want the behaviour to apply universally to all collect steps in the flow.

If you have decided to define handling digressions behaviour at both the flow and step level, the configurations will be merged according to these rules:

  • if you have set either of the allowed properties to true, this will take precedence for the respective collect step.
  • if you have set either of the allowed properties to an array of flow IDs, the flow IDs will be merged into a set of unique flow IDs for the respective collect step.

A link step is used to connect flows. Links can only be used as the last step in a flow. When a link step is reached, the current flow is ended and the targeted flow is started. You can define a link step as:

- link: "id_of_another_flow"

It is not possible to add any other property like an action or a next to a link step. Doing so, will result in an error during flow validation.

It is possible to link from a flow to the Human Handoff conversation repair pattern. This enables catching a scenario where the conversation should be handed over to a human agent. It is not possible to link from a flow to any of the other conversation repair pattern


New in 3.8.0

The call step is available starting with version 3.8.0.

You can use a call step inside a flow (parent flow) to embed another flow (child flow). When the execution reaches a call step, CALM starts the child flow. Once the child flow is complete, the execution continues with the parent flow.

Calling other flows helps split up and reuse functionality. It allows you to define a flow once and use it in multiple other flows. Long flows can be split into smaller ones, making them easier to understand and maintain.

You can define a call step as:

description: "The parent flow calling a child flow."
- call: child_flow

description: "A child flow."
- action: utter_child_flow

The call step must reference an existing flow and the child flow can be defined in the same file as the one containing the parent flow or a different file.

Behavior of the call step

The call step is designed to behave as if the child flow is part of the parent flow. Hence, the following properties come out of the box:

  1. If the child flow has a next: END in any step, the control will get passed back to the parent flow, and the next logical step will be executed.
  2. Slots of the child flow can be filled upfront, even before the child flow is started. The collect steps in a child flow behave as if they were directly part of the parent flow.
  3. Slots of the child flow can be corrected once they are filled and the control is still inside the child or the parent flow. So, even after the child flow is complete, the slots can be corrected as long as the parent flow is still active.
  4. Slots of the parent flow will not be reset when the child flow is activated. The child flow can access and modify slots of the parent flow.
  5. Slots of a child flow will not be reset when the control comes back to the parent flow. Instead, they will be reset together with the slots of the parent flow once that ends (unless reset_after_flow_ends is set to False for any of the slots).
  6. If the CancelFlow() command is triggered inside the the child flow, the parent flow is also cancelled.

To prevent the child flow from getting triggered directly by a user message, you can add a flow guard to the child flow:

description: "A parent flow calling a child flow."
- call: child_flow

description: "A child flow with a flow guard."
if: False
- action: utter_child_flow

In the above example, the child_flow will never be triggered directly by a user message but only when the parent flow calls it.

Constraints on the call step

Calling other flows has the following constraints by design:

  • A child flow can not use the link step because a link step is meant to always terminate the previous flow which would contradict with the behaviour of call step where the control should always be passed to the parent flow.
  • Patterns can not use the call step.
Recommendation on using link v/s call

If the use case demands a flow to be initiated as a follow-up to another flow, then a link step is better suited to accomplish the connection between the two flows. However, if a flow needs to behave as if it was part of another larger flow and more steps need to be executed inside the larger flow after the child flow has completed, then call step should be used.

Set Slots

A set_slots step is used to set one or more slots. For example:

- set_slots:
- account_type: "savings"
- account_number: "123456789"

Normally, slots are either set from user input (using a collect step) or by fetching information from another system (using a custom action).

A set_slot is mostly useful to unset a slot value. For example, if a user asks to transfer more money than they have available in their account, you might want to inform them. Just reset the amount slot rather than ending the flow.

description: This flow lets users send money to friends and family.
- collect: recipient
- id: ask_amount
collect: amount
description: the number of US dollars to send
- action: action_check_sufficient_funds
- if: not has_sufficient_funds
- action: utter_insufficient_funds
- set_slots:
- amount: null
next: ask_amount
- else: final_confirmation


A noop step can be combined with the next property to create a conditional branch in a flow without necessarily running an action, uttering a response, collecting a slot or linking / calling another flow in that step itself.

For example:

description: Allow a user to change their address.
- noop: true
- if: not slots.authenticated
- call: authenticate_user
next: ask_new_address
- else: ask_new_address
- id: ask_new_address
collect: address

It's always necessary to add the next property to a noop step. Otherwise, validation of flows would fail during training.


A basic flow with branching

description: a flow with a branch
- action: utter_greet
- collect: age
- if: slots.age < 18
then: too_young_step
- else: old_enough_step
- id: too_young_step
action: utter_too_young
- id: old_enough_step
action: utter_old_enough

The example shows a flow that branches based on the age slot collected from a user message.

Linking multiple flows

description: Send money to another individual
- collect: recipient_name
- collect: amount_of_money
- action: execute_transfer
- action: utter_transfer_complete
- link: collect_feedback

description: Collect feedback from user on their experience talking to the assistant
- collect: ask_rating
- action: utter_thankyou

This example demonstrates how the link step in flows enables the start of another flow as a follow-up flow. Specifically, the flow collect_feedback is initiated as a follow up flow after transfer_money is terminated at the link step.

Embedding a flow inside another flow

Let's assume a financial assistant needs to serve two use cases:

  1. Transferring money to another individual
  2. Adding a new recipient for transferring money

It's possible that an end user talking to the assistant wants to initiate a money transfer to an existing recipient, hence not needing the second use case. However, it is also possible that the user wants to transfer money to a new recipient in which case both the use cases need to be combined. This is exactly where a call step lets you accomplish both the possibilities without needing to create redundant flows. To accomplish the above use cases, you can leverage the call step in your flows as shown below:

description: Details of a money transfer recipient should be collected here
if: False
- collect: recipient_name
description: Name of a recipient who should be sent money
- collect: recipient_iban
description: IBAN of a recipient who should be sent money.
- collect: recipient_phone_number
description: Phone number of a recipient who should be sent money.

description: User wants to add a new recipient for transferring money
- call: collect_recipient_details
- action: add_new_recipient

description: User wants to transfer money to a new or existing recipient
- action: show_existing_recipients
- collect: need_new_recipient
- if: slots.need_new_recipient
- call: add_recipient
next: get_confirmation
- else:
- call: collect_recipient_details
next: get_confirmation
- id: get_confirmation
collect: transfer_confirmation
ask_before_filling: true
- action: execute_transfer

For the above flow structure, the LLM's prompt would contain the following flow definition:


add_recipient: User wants to add a new recipient to transfer money
slot: recipient_name (Name of a recipient who should be sent money)
slot: recipient_iban (IBAN of a recipient who should be sent money)
slot: recipient_phone_number (Phone number of a recipient who should be sent money)

transfer_money: User wants to transfer money to a new or existing recipient
slot: need_new_recipient ((True/False))
slot: recipient_name (Name of a recipient who should be sent money)
slot: recipient_iban (IBAN of a recipient who should be sent money)
slot: recipient_phone_number (Phone number of a recipient who should be sent money)
slot: transfer_confirmation ((True/False))

Each of the above flows are quite self-contained, accomplishing a single purpose and reused effectively to accomplish combinations of multiple use cases in a single conversation. This enhances the modularity and maintainability of flows. Also, note that no slot of a child flow is overlapping with slot of its parent flow in terms of the information they capture. This is important for the command generator's LLM to not get confused at filling such slots.

Optionally ask for information

Imagine a dress shopping AI assistant created to help users find and purchase dresses. This AI assistant includes two types of features: primary features (i.e., dress type, size) and optional features (i.e., color, material, price range, etc.). The assistant should ask for the primary features and avoid asking for the optional features, unless the user specifically requests them. This approach is key to avoid asking too many questions and overwhelming the user.

You can achieve this by setting the ask_before_filling property to false on the collect step and setting an initial_value for the slot in the domain file.

name: purchase dress
description: present options to the user and purchase the dress
- collect: dress_type
- collect: dress_size
- collect: dress_color
ask_before_filling: false
- collect: dress_material
ask_before_filling: false
- if: slots.dress_material = "cotton"
- action: action_present_cotton_dresses
next: END
- if: slots.dress_material = "silk"
- action: action_present_silk_dresses
next: END
- else:
- action: action_present_all_dresses
next: END
type: categorical
- "shirt"
- "pants"
- "jacket"
type: categorical
- "small"
- "medium"
- "large"
type: text
initial_value: "unspecified"
type: categorical
initial_value: "any"
- "cotton"
- "silk"
- "polyester"
- "any"

With ask_before_filling set to false and given that the slots (dress_color and dress_material) already have initial values, the corresponding collect steps will not be asked. Instead, the assistant will move to the next step. If the user explicitly provides a value for a slot, this new value will overwrite the initial one.