Intents and Entities
NLU-based assistants
This section refers to building NLU-based assistants. If you are working with Conversational AI with Language Models (CALM), this content may not apply to you.
The goal of NLU (Natural Language Understanding) is to extract structured information from user messages. This usually includes the user's intent and any entities their message contains. You can add extra information such as regular expressions and lookup tables to your training data to help the model identify intents and entities correctly.
What is a Intent?
An intent represents the goal or purpose behind a user’s message. For example, a user might express the intent to book a ticket, ask for a weather update, or say hello. Intents help the assistant determine what the user wants to achieve.
NLU training data consists of example user utterances categorized by intent. To make it easier to use your intents, give them names that relate to what the user wants to accomplish with that intent, keep them in lowercase, and avoid spaces and special characters.
The /
symbol is reserved as a delimiter to separate retrieval intents from response text identifiers. Make sure not
to use it in the name of your intents.
What is a Entity?
An entity is a specific piece of information extracted from a user’s message. They provide additional context to the intent. For example, in the message "Book a flight to Paris," the intent might be "book_flight," and the entity would be "Paris" (destination)
Entities are structured pieces of information inside a user message.
For entity extraction to work, you need to either specify training data to train an ML model or you need to define regular expressions to extract entities using the RegexEntityExtractor
based on a character pattern.
When deciding which entities you need to extract, think about what information your assistant needs for its user goals. The user might provide additional pieces of information that you don't need for any user goal; you don't need to extract these as entities.
See the training data format for details on how to annotate entities in your training data.
Synonyms map extracted entities to a value other than the literal text extracted in a case-insensitive manner. You can use synonyms when there are multiple ways users refer to the same thing. Think of the end goal of extracting an entity, and figure out from there which values should be considered equivalent.
Let's say you had an entity account
that you use to look up the user's balance. One of the possible account types is "credit". Your users also refer to their "credit" account as "credit
account" and "credit card account".
In this case, you could define "credit card account" and "credit account" as synonyms to "credit":
- synonym: credit
examples: |
- credit card account
- credit account
Then, if either of these phrases is extracted as an entity, it will be
mapped to the value credit
. Any alternate casing of these phrases (e.g. CREDIT
, credit ACCOUNT
) will also be mapped to the synonym.
Synonym mapping only happens after entities have been extracted.
That means that your training examples should include the synonym examples
(credit card account
and credit account
) so that the model will learn to
recognize these as entities and replace them with credit
See the training data format for details on how to include synonyms in your training data.
Regular Expressions
You can use regular expressions to improve intent classification and
entity extraction in combination with the RegexFeaturizer
and RegexEntityExtractor
components in the pipeline.
Regular Expressions for Intent Classification
You can use regular expressions to improve intent classification by including the RegexFeaturizer
component in your pipeline. When using the RegexFeaturizer
, a regex does not act as a rule for classifying an intent. It only provides a feature that the intent classifier will use
to learn patterns for intent classification.
Currently, all intent classifiers make use of available regex features.
The name of a regex in this case is a human readable description. It can help you remember what a regex is used for, and it is the title of the corresponding pattern feature. It does not have to match any intent or entity name. A regex for a "help" request might look like this:
- regex: help
examples: |
- \bhelp\b
The intent being matched could be greet
, assistance
or anything else.
Try to create your regular expressions in a way that they match as few
words as possible. E.g. using \bhelp\b
instead of help.*
, as the
later one might match the whole message whereas the first one only
matches a single word.
The RegexFeaturizer
provides features to the intent classifier, but it doesn't predict the intent directly. Include enough examples containing the regular expression so that the intent classifier can learn to use the regular expression feature.
Regular Expressions for Entity Extraction
If your entity has a deterministic structure, you can use regular expressions in one of two ways:
Regular Expressions as Features
You can use regular expressions to create features for the RegexFeaturizer
component in your NLU pipeline.
When using a regular expression with the RegexFeaturizer
, the
name of the regular expression does not matter.
When using the RegexFeaturizer
, a regular expression provides a feature
that helps the model learn an association between intents/entities and inputs
that fit the regular expression.
The RegexFeaturizer
provides features to the entity extractor, but it doesn't predict the entity directly. Include enough examples containing the regular expression so that the entity extractor can learn to use the regular expression feature.
Regex features for entity extraction
are currently only supported by the CRFEntityExtractor
component. Other entity extractors, like
or SpacyEntityExtractor
, won't use the generated
features and their presence will not improve entity recognition for
these extractors.
Regular Expressions for Rule-based Entity Extraction
You can use regular expressions for rule-based entity extraction using the RegexEntityExtractor
component in your NLU pipeline.
When using the RegexEntityExtractor
, the name of the regular expression should
match the name of the entity you want to extract.
For example, you could extract account numbers of 10-12 digits by including this regular expression and at least two annotated examples in your training data:
- regex: account_number
examples: |
- \d{10,12}
- intent: inform
examples: |
- my account number is [1234567891](account_number)
- This is my account number [1234567891](account_number)
Whenever a user message contains a sequence of 10-12 digits, it will be extracted as an account_number
entity. RegexEntityExtractor
doesn't require training examples to learn to extract the entity, but you do need at least two annotated examples of the entity so that the NLU model can register it as an entity at training time.
Lookup Tables
Lookup tables are lists of words used to generate
case-insensitive regular expression patterns. They can be used in the same ways as regular expressions are used, in combination with the RegexFeaturizer
and RegexEntityExtractor
components in the pipeline.
You can use lookup tables to help extract entities which have a known set of possible values. Keep your lookup tables as specific as possible. For example, to extract country names, you could add a lookup table of all countries in the world:
- lookup: country
examples: |
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- ...
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
When using lookup tables with RegexFeaturizer
, provide enough examples for the intent or entity you want to match so that the model can learn to use the generated regular expression as a feature. When using lookup tables with RegexEntityExtractor
, provide at least two annotated examples of the entity so that the NLU model can register it as an entity at training time.
Entities Roles and Groups
Annotating words as custom entities allows you to define certain concepts in your training data. For example, you can identify cities by annotating them:
I want to fly from [Berlin]{"entity": "city"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city"} .
However, sometimes you want to add more details to your entities.
For example, to build an assistant that should book a flight, the assistant needs to know which of the two cities in the example above is the departure city and which is the
destination city.
and San Francisco
are both cities, but they play different roles in the message.
To distinguish between the different roles, you can assign a role label in addition to the entity label.
- I want to fly from [Berlin]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}.
You can also group different entities by specifying a group label next to the entity label. The group label can, for example, be used to define different orders. In the following example, the group label specifies which toppings go with which pizza and what size each pizza should be.
Give me a [small]{"entity": "size", "group": "1"} pizza with [mushrooms]{"entity": "topping", "group": "1"} and
a [large]{"entity": "size", "group": "2"} [pepperoni]{"entity": "topping", "group": "2"}
See the Training Data Format for details on how to define entities with roles and groups in your training data.
The entity object returned by the extractor will include the detected role/group label.
"text": "Book a flight from Berlin to SF",
"intent": "book_flight",
"entities": [
"start": 19,
"end": 25,
"value": "Berlin",
"entity": "city",
"role": "departure",
"extractor": "CRFEntityExtractor"
"start": 29,
"end": 31,
"value": "San Francisco",
"entity": "city",
"role": "destination",
"extractor": "CRFEntityExtractor"
Entity roles and groups are currently only supported by the CRFEntityExtractor.
In order to properly train your model with entities that have roles and groups, make sure to include enough training
examples for every combination of entity and role or group label.
To enable the model to generalize, make sure to have some variation in your training examples.
For example, you should include examples like fly TO y FROM x
, not only fly FROM x TO y
To fill slots from entities with a specific role/group, you need to define a from_entity
slot mapping
for the slot and specify the role/group that is required. For example:
- city:
- departure
- destination
type: any
- type: from_entity
entity: city
role: departure
type: any
- type: from_entity
entity: city
role: destination
BILOU Entity Tagging
The CRFEntityExtractor
has the option BILOU_flag
, which refers to a tagging schema that can be
used by the machine learning model when processing entities.
is short for Beginning, Inside, Last, Outside, and Unit-length.
For example, the training example
[Alex]{"entity": "person"} is going with [Marty A. Rick]{"entity": "person"} to [Los Angeles]{"entity": "location"}.
is first split into a list of tokens. Then the machine learning model applies the tagging schema
as shown below depending on the value of the option BILOU_flag
token | BILOU_flag = true | BILOU_flag = false |
alex | U-person | person |
is | O | O |
going | O | O |
with | O | O |
marty | B-person | person |
a | I-person | person |
rick | L-person | person |
to | O | O |
los | B-location | location |
angeles | L-location | location |
The BILOU tagging schema is richer compared to the normal tagging schema. It may help to improve the performance of the machine learning model when predicting entities.
When the option BILOU_flag
is set to True
, the model may predict inconsistent BILOU tags, e.g.
B-person I-location L-person
. Rasa uses some heuristics to clean up the inconsistent BILOU tags.
For example, B-person I-location L-person
would be changed into B-person I-person L-person