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Events in Rasa Pro

Each conversation in Rasa Pro represents a sequence of events. Events are used to track user messages and bot responses, as well as side effects of actions that Rasa Pro takes during a conversation, such as advancing flows or setting slots. Events are emitted by Rasa Pro at different stages of the conversation, and they can be used to analyze and improve your assistant by querying the Rasa Pro analytics data pipeline or running end-to-end tests.

Events are stored in the Rasa Pro tracker store and can be additionally accessed via the Rasa Pro HTTP API.

Event Types

Rasa Pro issues different types of events throughout the course of a conversation, among which:

  • UserUttered: Events that represent messages sent by the user.
  • BotUttered: Events that represent messages sent by the bot.
  • ActionExecuted: Events that represent actions taken by the bot.
  • SlotSet: Events that represent slots being set.
  • AllSlotsReset: Events that represent the resetting of all slots.
  • SessionStarted: Events that represent the start of a new conversation session.
  • Restarted: Events that represent the reset of a conversation session.
  • FlowStarted: Events that represent the start of a flow.
  • FlowCompleted: Events that represent the completion of a flow.
  • FlowCancelled: Events that represent the cancellation of a flow.
  • FlowInterrupted: Events that represent the interruption of a flow.
  • FlowResumed: Events that represent the resuming of a flow.
  • RoutingSessionEnded: Events that mark the end of a routing session for coexistence.
  • DialogueStackUpdated: Events that represent the update of the conversation stack.
  • ReminderScheduled: Events that represent the scheduling of a reminder.
  • ReminderCancelled: Events that represent the cancellation of a reminder.
  • ConversationPaused: Events that represent the pausing of a conversation.
  • ConversationResumed: Events that represent the resuming of a conversation.
  • ActionExecutionRejected: Events that represent the rejection of an action execution.
  • EntitiesAdded: Events that represent the addition of entities to the conversation state.
  • UserUtteranceReverted: Events that represent the reverting of every event which happened after the most recent user message.
  • ActionReverted: Events that represent the reverting of the bot's last action.
  • StoryExported: Events that represent the export of a training data story to file.
  • FollowupAction: Events that represent the enqueueing of a follow-up action.
  • ActiveLoop: Events that represent the activation of a form.
  • LoopInterrupted: Events that represent the interruption of a form.
  • SessionEnded: Events that represent the end of a conversation session.

All events share the following attributes:

  • type name: The type of the event.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the event.
  • metadata: Additional metadata about the event.

User Event

The UserUttered event represents a message sent by the user and its type name is user. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • text: The text of the user message.
  • intent: The intent of the user message if applicable.
  • entities: The entities extracted from the user message if applicable.
  • parse_data: The parsed NLU data of the user message, including the intent and entities and commands.
  • input_channel: The channel through which the user message was received.
  • message_id: The unique identifier of the user message.

Bot Event

The BotUttered event represents a message sent by the bot and its type name is bot. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • text: The text of the bot message.
  • data: Additional data for more complex bot utterances (for example buttons)

Slot Event

The SlotSet event represents the setting of a slot and its type name is slot. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the slot.
  • value: The value of the slot.

Reset Slots Event

The AllSlotsReset event represents the resetting of all slots and its type name is reset_slots. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Entities Event

The EntitiesAdded event represents the addition of entities to the conversation state and its type name is entities. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • entities: The list of entities added to the conversation state.

Action Event

The ActionExecuted event represents the execution of an action and its type name is action. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the action.
  • policy: The policy used to predict the action.
  • confidence: The confidence of the action prediction.

Followup Action Event

The FollowupAction event represents the enqueueing of a follow-up action and its type name is followup. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the follow-up action to run.

Action Execution Rejected Event

The ActionExecutionRejected event represents the rejection of an action execution and its type name is action_execution_rejected. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the action that was rejected.
  • policy: The policy used to predict the action.
  • confidence: The confidence of the action prediction.

Session Started Event

The SessionStarted event represents the start of a new conversation session and its type name is session_started. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Restarted Event

The Restarted event represents the reset of a conversation session and its type name is restart. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Stack Event

The DialogueStackUpdated event represents the update of the conversation stack and its type name is stack. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • update: JsonPatch object dumped as a string.

Routing Session Ended Event

The RoutingSessionEnded event represents the end of a routing session for coexistence and its type name is routing_session_ended. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Flow Started Event

The FlowStarted event represents the start of a flow and its type name is flow_started. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • flow_id: The id of the flow.

Flow Interrupted Event

The FlowInterrupted event represents the interruption of a flow and its type name is flow_interrupted. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • flow_id: The id of the flow.
  • step_id: The id of the step where the flow was interrupted.

Flow Resumed Event

The FlowResumed event represents the resuming of a flow and its type name is flow_resumed. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • flow_id: The id of the flow.
  • step_id: The id of the step where the flow was resumed.

Flow Completed Event

The FlowCompleted event represents the completion of a flow and its type name is flow_completed. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • flow_id: The id of the flow.
  • step_id: The id of the step where the flow was completed.

Flow Cancelled Event

The FlowCancelled event represents the cancellation of a flow and its type name is flow_cancelled. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • flow_id: The id of the flow.
  • step_id: The id of the step where the flow was cancelled.

Reminder Event

The ReminderScheduled event represents the scheduling of a reminder and its type name is reminder. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • intent: The name of the intent to be triggered.
  • entities: The entities to be used when triggering the intent.
  • date_time: The date and time when the reminder should be triggered.
  • name: The name of the reminder.
  • kill_on_user_message: Whether the reminder should be cancelled if the user sends a message before the trigger date.

Cancel Reminder Event

The ReminderCancelled event represents the cancellation of a reminder and its type name is cancel_reminder. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the reminder to be cancelled.
  • intent: The name of the intent to be used to identify the reminder to be cancelled.
  • entities: The entities to be used to identify the reminder to be cancelled.

Rewind Event

The UserUtteranceReverted event represents the reverting of every event which happened after the most recent user message and its type name is rewind. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Undo Event

The ActionReverted event represents the reverting of the bot's last action and its type name is undo. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Export Story Event

The StoryExported event represents the export of a training data story to file and its type name is export. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • path: The path to the exported story file.

Pause Event

The ConversationPaused event represents the pausing of a conversation and its type name is pause. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Resume Event

The ConversationResumed event represents the resuming of a conversation and its type name is resume. It does not contain any additional attributes.

Active Loop Event

The ActiveLoop event represents the activation of a form and its type name is active_loop. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • name: The name of the form.

Loop Interrupted Event

The LoopInterrupted event represents the interruption of a form and its type name is loop_interrupted. It contains the following additional attributes:

  • is_interrupted: boolean indicating if the form execution was interrupted.

Session Ended Event

The SessionEnded event represents the end of a session and its type name is session_ended. Rasa adds _reason key to the metadata attribute of the event with the reason for the session end.