Defining Responses
Responses go under the responses
key in your domain file or in a separate "responses.yml" file. Each response name should start with utter_
For example, you could add responses for greeting and saying goodbye under the response names utter_greet
and utter_bye
- greet
- text: "Hi there!"
- text: "See you!"
If you are using retrieval intents in your assistant, you also need to add responses for your assistant's replies to these intents:
- chitchat
- text: Oh yeah, I am called the retrieval bot.
- text: Oh, it does look sunny right now in Berlin.
Notice the special format of response names for retrieval intents. Each name starts with utter_
followed by the retrieval intent's name (here chitchat
) and finally a suffix specifying
the different response keys (here ask_name
and ask_weather
). See the documentation for NLU
training examples to learn more.
Using Variables in Responses
You can use variables to insert information into responses.
Within a response, a variable is enclosed in curly brackets. For example, see the variable name
- text: "Hey, {name}. How are you?"
When the utter_greet
response is used, Rasa automatically fills in the variable with the
value found in the slot called name
. If such a slot doesn't exist or is empty, the variable gets
filled with None
Another way to fill in a variable is within a custom action.
In your custom action code, you can supply values to a response to fill in specific variables.
If you're using the Rasa SDK for your action server,
you can pass a value for the variable as a keyword argument to dispatcher.utter_message
If you use a different custom action server, supply the values by adding extra parameters to the responses your server returns:
Response Variations
You can make your assistant's replies more interesting if you provide multiple response variations to choose from for a given response name:
- text: "Hey, {name}. How are you?"
- text: "Hey, {name}. How is your day going?"
In this example, when utter_greet
gets predicted as the next action, Rasa will randomly pick one
of the two response variations to use.
IDs for Responses
You can now set an ID for any response. This is useful when you want to use the NLG server to generate the response.
Type for ID is string.
Example of response variations with ID:
- id: "greet_1"
text: "Hey, {name}. How are you?"
- id: "greet_2"
text: "Hey, {name}. How is your day going?"
Channel-Specific Response Variations
To specify different response variations depending on which channel the user is connected to, use channel-specific response variations.
In the following example, the channel
key makes the first response variation channel-specific for
the slack
channel while the second variation is not channel-specific:
- text: "Which game would you like to play on Slack?"
channel: "slack"
- text: "Which game would you like to play?"
Make sure the value of the channel
key matches the value returned by the name()
method of your
input channel. If you are using a built-in channel, this value will also match the channel name used
in your credentials.yml
When your assistant looks for suitable response variations under a given response name, it will first try to choose from channel-specific variations for the current channel. If there are no such variations, the assistant will choose from any response variations which are not channel-specific.
In the above example, the second response variation has no channel
specified and can be used by
your assistant for all channels other than slack
For each response, try to have at least one response variation without the channel
This allows your assistant to properly respond in all environments, such as in new channels,
in the shell and in interactive learning.
Conditional Response Variations
Specific response variations can also be selected based on one or more slot values using a conditional
response variation. A conditional response variation is defined in the domain or responses YAML files
similarly to a standard response variation but with an additional condition
Predicate Conditions
You can now use predicate expressions to define conditions using the slots
namespace for
conditional response variations.
Predicates in conditional response variations are a beta feature in Rasa Pro 3.12.0. The feature is subject to change.
To enable the feature, please set the environment variable RASA_PRO_BETA_PREDICATES_IN_RESPONSE_CONDITIONS
to true
in your
The condition
key can now specify a predicate statement, similar to the usage of conditions in flows.
These predicates enable you to use a variety of logical operators, comparison operators and other constructs.
They are evaluated with the pypred library.
For example:
- condition: slots.prior_visits > 1
text: "Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again! How are you?"
- condition: not slots.prior_visits
text: "Welcome. How is your day going?"
In the example above, the first response variation ("Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again! How are you?"
will be used whenever the utter_greet
action is executed and the prior_visits
slot is greater than 1
The second variation, which has a condition that the prior_visits
slot is not set, will be used when the slot is not set.
and Value
Equality Constraints
Writing the condition as a list of dictionaries consisting of name
and value
constraints is deprecated.
This format will be removed in the next major release of Rasa Pro.
The condition
key specifies a list of slot name
and value
When a response is triggered during a dialogue, the constraints of each conditional response variation
are checked against the current dialogue state. If all constraint slot values are equal to the corresponding
slot values of the current dialogue state, the response variation is eligible to be used by your conversational
The comparison of dialogue state slot values and constraint slot values is performed by the
equality "==" operator which requires the type of slot values to match too.
For example, if the constraint is specified as value: true
, then the slot needs to be filled
with a boolean true
, not the string "true"
In the following example, we will define one conditional response variation with one constraint,
that the logged_in
slot is set to true
type: bool
- type: controlled
type: text
- condition:
- type: slot
name: logged_in
value: true
text: "Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again! How are you?"
- text: "Welcome. How is your day going?"
- story: greet
- action: action_log_in
- slot_was_set:
- logged_in: true
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
In the example above, the first response variation ("Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again! How are you?"
will be used whenever the utter_greet
action is executed and the logged_in
slot is set to true
The second variation, which has no condition, will be treated as the default and used whenever
is not equal to true
Variation Selection
During a dialogue, Rasa will choose from all conditional response variations whose constraints are satisfied. If there are multiple eligible conditional response variations, Rasa will pick one at random. For example, consider the following response:
- condition: slots.logged_in is true
text: "Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again! How are you?"
- condition: slots.eligible_for_upgrade is true
text: "Welcome, {name}. Did you know you are eligible for a free upgrade?"
- text: "Welcome. How is your day going?"
If logged_in
and eligible_for_upgrade
are both set to true
then both the first and second response
variations are eligible to be used, and will be chosen by the conversational assistant with equal probability.
You can continue using channel-specific response variations alongside conditional response variations as shown in the example below.
type: bool
- type: controlled
type: text
- condition: slots.logged_in is true
text: "Hey, {name}. Nice to see you again on Slack! How are you?"
channel: slack
- text: "Welcome. How is your day going?"
Rasa will prioritize the selection of responses in the following order:
- conditional response variations with matching channel
- default responses with matching channel
- conditional response variations with no matching channel
- default responses with no matching channel
It is highly recommended to always provide a default response variation without a condition
to guard against those cases when no conditional response matches filled slots.
If no conditional response variation is eligible to be used and no default is provided, Rasa Pro will respond with the
default utterance utter_internal_error_rasa
Rich Responses
You can make responses rich by adding visual and interactive elements. There are several types of elements that are supported across many channels:
You can add buttons to a response to allow the user to select from a list of options. The buttons are displayed as clickable elements in the chat window.
Each button in the list of buttons
should have two keys:
: The text displayed on the buttons that the user sees.payload
: The message sent from the user to the assistant when the button is clicked.
Button payloads can be used to either:
- trigger intents and pass entities to the assistant.
- issue commands to set slots
- pass a predefined free-form string message to the assistant. Note that this option should be used if none of the above options are feasible.
In addition, buttons provide the advantage of skipping the NLU pipeline and directly annotating the user message with the intent, entities or set slot commands defined in the payload.
Keep in mind that it is up to the implementation of the output channel how to display the defined buttons. For example, some channels have a limit on the number of buttons you can provide. Check your channel's documentation under Concepts > Channel Connectors for any channel-specific restrictions.
Triggering Intents or Passing Entities
Here is an example of a response that uses buttons to trigger an intent:
- text: "Hey! How are you?"
- title: "great"
payload: "/mood_great"
- title: "super sad"
payload: "/mood_sad"
If you would like the buttons to also pass entities to the assistant:
- text: "Hey! Would you like to purchase motor or home insurance?"
- title: "Motor insurance"
payload: '/inform{{"insurance":"motor"}}'
- title: "Home insurance"
payload: '/inform{{"insurance":"home"}}'
Passing multiple entities is also possible with:
'/intent_name{{"entity_type_1":"entity_value_1", "entity_type_2": "entity_value_2"}}'
You can use buttons to overwrite the NLU prediction and trigger a specific intent and entities.
Messages starting with /
are sent handled by the
, which expects NLU input in a shortened /intent{entities}
In the example above, if the user clicks a button, the user input
will be classified as either the mood_great
or mood_sad
You can include entities with the intent to be passed to the RegexInterpreter
using the following format:
/inform{"ORG":"Rasa", "GPE":"Germany"}
The RegexInterpreter
will classify the message above with the intent inform
and extract the entities
and Germany
which are of type ORG
and GPE
You need to write the /intent{entities}
shorthand response with double curly braces in domain.yml so that the assistant does not
treat it as a variable in a response and interpolate the content within the curly braces.
Issuing Set Slot Commands
Starting from Rasa Pro 3.9.0, you can use buttons to issue commands to set slots.
Payload Syntax
To issue set slot
commands, you can use the following format
in the payload: /SetSlots(slot_name=slot_value)
. You can define multiple slot key-value pairs in the same command.
The slot names that you define in the payload should be slots that are requested via the active flow or flows that the
command generator predicts a StartFlow
command for in the same turn.
Note that there is a limit of 10 slot key-value pairs per command to prevent Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) attacks.
Here is an example:
- text: "Which card would you like to set the maximum contactless limit for?"
- title: "credit"
payload: "/SetSlots(amount=100, card_type=credit)"
- title: "debit"
payload: "/SetSlots(amount=100, card_type=debit)"
Note that the SetSlots
command is case-sensitive and should be written exactly as shown above.
The regular expression used for extracting slot names and values from the payload does not allow the following characters:
in the slot name,
in the slot value
You can also use this syntax to start a flow by first setting a slot and then branching on that slot to execute a link or a call step.
All slot types are supported to be filled by buttons except for list
Dynamic Buttons
You can also create a dynamic list of buttons in a reply via a custom action. Maybe the list of responses come from an API or the list of buttons is determined based on the value of another slot or the state of the conversation.
This can be done via a collect step and a custom action called action_ask_{slot_name}
For example, let's say your bot needs to ask the user which of their credit cards they want help with. We would create a response without the buttons and then use a custom action to get the list of cards associated with the user.
There is also a cards
slot with a list of all the users cards. This was loaded when the user
first connected to the bot via action_session_start
. There are also slots with the current card
name and number.
type: text
type: text
type: list
- text: "Here are the your cards, select the one you are referring to?"
The select_card
flow does a collect: current_card_name
to request the current card from the
description: This flow is called when the user has multiple cards and needs to select one.
name: Select card
# block this flow from th list of possible flows for the LLM, it should only be called from other flows
if: False
- collect: current_card_name
ask_before_filling: true
next: END
Create a custom action named action_ask_current_card_name
which the flow collect
will call.
class ActionShowSlots(Action):
def name(self):
return "action_ask_current_card_name"
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
events = []
cards = tracker.get_slot("cards")
if not cards:
dispatcher.utter_message(text="No cards found.")
buttons = []
for card in cards:
"title": card.get("name"),
"payload": f"/SetSlots(current_card_name={card.get('name')}, current_card_number={card.get('number')})"
dispatcher.utter_message(response="utter_select_card", buttons=buttons)
return events
You can read more about the action_ask_{slot_name}
You can add images to a response by providing a URL to the image under the image
- text: "Here is something to cheer you up:"
image: ""
Custom Output Payloads
You can send any arbitrary output to the output channel using the
key. The output channel receives the object stored under the custom
as a JSON payload.
Here's an example of how to send a date picker to the Slack Output Channel:
- custom:
- type: section
text: "Make a bet on when the world will end:"
type: mrkdwn
type: datepicker
initial_date: '2019-05-21'
type: plain_text
text: Select a date
Using Responses in Conversations
Calling Responses as Actions
If the name of the response starts with utter_
, the response can
directly be used as an action, without being listed in the actions
section of your domain. You would add the response
to the domain:
- text: "Hey! How are you?"
You can use that same response as an action in your stories:
- story: greet user
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
When the utter_greet
action runs, it will send the message from
the response back to the user.
If you want to change the text, or any other part of the response, you need to retrain the assistant before these changes will be picked up.
Calling Responses from Custom Actions
You can use the responses to generate response messages from your custom actions. If you're using Rasa SDK as your action server, you can use the dispatcher to generate the response message, for example:
from rasa_sdk.interfaces import Action
class ActionGreet(Action):
def name(self):
return 'action_greet'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
return []
If you use a
different custom action server,
your server should return the following JSON to call the utter_greet
"events": [],
"responses": [
"template": "utter_greet"