Version: 3.x


MessageContainerForCoreFeaturization Objects

class MessageContainerForCoreFeaturization()

A key-value store for specific Messages.

This container can be only be used to store messages that contain exactly one of the following attributes: ACTION_NAME, ACTION_TEXT, TEXT, or INTENT. A combination of the key attribute and the corresponding value will be used as key for the respective message.


  • Our policies only require these attributes to be tokenized and/or featurized via NLU graph components, which is why we don't care about storing anything else.
  • Our tokenizers and featurizers work independently for each attribute, which is why we can separate them and ask for "exactly one" of the key attributes.
  • Our tokenizers add attributes (e.g. token sequences) and not just Features, which is why we need messages and why we allow messages to contain more than just the key attributes.
  • Due to the way we use this datastructure, it won't contain all features that the policies need (cf. rasa.core.featurizers.SingleStateFeaturizer) and sometimes the messages will contain no features at all, which is the motivation for the name of this class.
  • Values for different attributes might coincide (e.g. 'greet' can appear as user text as well as name of an intent), but attributes are not all tokenized and featurized in the same way, which is why we use the combination of key attribute and value to identify a message.


  • At the start of core's featurization pipeline, we use this container to de-duplicate the given story data during training (e.g. "Hello" might appear very often but it will end up in the training data only once) and to de-duplicate the data given in the tracker (e.g. if a text appears repeatedly in the dialogue, it will only be featurized once later). See: rasa.core.featurizers.precomputation.CoreFeaturizationInputConverter.
  • At the end of core's featurization pipeline, we wrap all resulting (training data) messages into this container again. See: rasa.core.featurizers.precomputation.CoreFeaturizationCollector.


def __init__() -> None

Creates an empty container for precomputations.


def fingerprint() -> Text

Fingerprint the container.


hex string as a fingerprint of the container.


def messages(key_attribute: Text = None) -> ValuesView

Returns a view of all messages.


def all_messages() -> List[Message]

Returns a list containing all messages.


def keys(key_attribute: Text) -> KeysView

Returns a view of the value keys for the given key attribute.


def num_collisions_ignored() -> int

Returns the number of collisions that have been ignored.


def add(message_with_one_key_attribute: Message) -> None

Adds the given message if it is not already present.


  • message_with_one_key_attribute - The message we want to add to the lookup table. It must have exactly one key attribute.


ValueError if the given message does not contain exactly one key attribute or if there is a collision with a message that has a different hash value


def add_all(messages_with_one_key_attribute: List[Message]) -> None

Adds the given messages.


  • messages_with_one_key_attribute - The messages that we want to add. Each one must have exactly one key attribute.


ValueError if we cannot create a key for the given message or if there is a collisions with a message that has a different hash value


def collect_features(
sub_state: SubState,
attributes: Optional[Iterable[Text]] = None
) -> Dict[Text, List[Features]]

Collects features for all attributes in the given substate.

There might be be multiple messages in the container that contain features relevant for the given substate, e.g. this is the case if TEXT and INTENT are present in the given substate. All of those messages will be collected and their features combined.


  • sub_state - substate for which we want to extract the relevent features
  • attributes - if not None, this specifies the list of the attributes of the Features that we're interested in (i.e. all other Features contained in the relevant messages will be ignored)


a dictionary that maps all the (requested) attributes to a list of Features


  • ValueError - if there exists some key pair (i.e. key attribute and corresponding value) from the given substate cannot be found
  • RuntimeError - if features for the same attribute are found in two different messages that are associated with the given substate


def lookup_message(user_text: Text) -> Message

Returns a message that contains the given user text.


  • user_text - the text of a user utterance


ValueError if there is no message associated with the given user text


def derive_messages_from_domain_and_add(domain: Domain) -> None

Adds all lookup table entries that can be derived from the domain.

That is, all action names, action texts, and intents defined in the domain will be turned into a (separate) messages and added to this lookup table.


  • domain - the domain from which we extract the substates


def derive_messages_from_events_and_add(events: Iterable[Event]) -> None

Adds all relevant messages that can be derived from the given events.

That is, each action name, action text, user text and intent that can be found in the given events will be turned into a (separate) message and added to this container.


  • events - list of events to extract the substate from

CoreFeaturizationInputConverter Objects

class CoreFeaturizationInputConverter(GraphComponent)

Provides data for the featurization pipeline.

During training as well as during inference, the converter de-duplicates the given data (i.e. story graph or list of messages) such that each text and intent from a user message and each action name and action text appears exactly once.


def create(
cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource, execution_context: ExecutionContext
) -> CoreFeaturizationInputConverter

Creates a new instance (see parent class for full docstring).


def convert_for_training(domain: Domain,
story_graph: StoryGraph) -> TrainingData

Creates de-duplicated training data.

Each possible user text and intent and each action name and action text that can be found in the given domain and story graph appears exactly once in the resulting training data. Moreover, each item is contained in a separate messsage.


  • domain - the domain
  • story_graph - a story graph


training data


def convert_for_inference(tracker: DialogueStateTracker) -> List[Message]

Creates a list of messages containing single user and action attributes.

Each possible user text and intent and each action name and action text that can be found in the events of the given tracker will appear exactly once in the resulting messages. Moreover, each item is contained in a separate messsage.


  • tracker - a dialogue state tracker containing events


a list of messages

CoreFeaturizationCollector Objects

class CoreFeaturizationCollector(GraphComponent)

Collects featurized messages for use by a policy.


def create(cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource,
execution_context: ExecutionContext) -> CoreFeaturizationCollector

Creates a new instance (see parent class for full docstring).


def collect(
messages: Union[TrainingData, List[Message]]
) -> MessageContainerForCoreFeaturization

Collects messages.