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Analytics Pipeline: Data structure reference

The data structure is created by the Analytics pipeline and treated as a public API. The versioning of the API follows the Rasa Product Release and Maintenance Policy. All Internal Tables should be considered private and may change without notice.

Database Table Overview

An overview of the components of Rasa Pro.

Common Terms

  • a sender is a user who is talking to the assistant through a channel. A user might have multiple senders if they use multiple channels, e.g. communicating with the assistant through a website and through a channel integrated into a mobile app.
  • a session is a conversation between a sender and the assistant. A session is started when a sender sends a message to the assistant and ends when the session either has been timed out or explicitly ended. If a session is interrupted by a longer period of inactivity new activity will trigger a new session to be created (configurable through the session timeout).
  • a turn always starts with a message from a sender and ends right before the next message from the sender. A turn can also end with a session being timed out or explicitly ended. A turn will usually contain at least one bot response.
  • a dialogue stack frame represents the state of a CALM assistant at a certain point in time. The stack frame contains the active flow and step of the assistant. The stack frame is created as the assistant advances through flow(s) and is updated with every event that is sent to the assistant. The stack frame is stored in the rasa_dialogue_stack_frame table.



A sender is a user who interacts with the assistant through a Rasa Channel. If the assistant supports more than one channel, a user might have multiple senders. For example, a user might have a sender for the Facebook channel and a sender for the Slack channel.

Rasa Slot ER.

id sender identifier

The unique identifier of the sender is generated by Analytics. Sender gets a different, generated id assigned. The id differs from the sender_id used by the Rasa channels, the sender_id in Rasa is the sender_key in Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: a78783c4-bef7-4e55-9ec7-5afb4420f19a

sender_key Rasa channel sender identifier

The unique identifier used by the Rasa channel to identify this sender. The sender_key is specific to the channel implementation in Rasa and the format depends on the channel.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: fb26ba0a9d8b4bd99e2b8716acb19e4b

channel Rasa channel name

Name of the channel that is used for this sender. The channel names are defined in the implementation of the respective Rasa channel.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example:

first_seen first contact with this sender

The date and time of the first contact with this sender. Corresponds to the time of the first event of the first session created for this sender.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

last_seen latest contact with this sender

The date and time of the last contact with this sender. Corresponds to the time of the latest event of the latest session created for this sender.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-10-28 02:15:49.326936


The rasa_session table contains information about all conversation sessions that users started with the assistant. New sessions are created for every new user and for users who return to the assistant. The conditions that trigger a new session to start can be configured in the Rasa Domain.

Rasa Slot ER.

id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session. Every session gets a different, generated id assigned.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

sender_id sender who started the session

The unique identifier of the sender who started the session. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the session was created. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

start_sequence_number start of the session

The sequence number of the first event in this session. All events belong to exactly one session. The start sequence number is always smaller or equal to the end_sequence_number. The difference between start and end sequence numbers does not equal the number of events in this session since sequence numbers are incremented across multiple conversations.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78

end_sequence_number end of the session

The sequence number of the last event in the session.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 91


The rasa_turn table contains information about all conversation turns. A turn is one interaction between a user and an assistant. A turn always starts with a user message. It ends with the last event before the next user message or with the end of a session. A turn will usually be one user message followed by one or multiple assistant responses. All events between the user message and the end of the turn belong to the same turn.

Rasa Slot ER.

id session identifier

The unique identifier of the turn. Every turn gets a different generated id assigned.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: ffa5d0cd-f5a6-45a4-9506-ba7ffd76edf1

sender_id sender who started the turn

The unique identifier of the sender who started the turn. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this turn is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

start_sequence_number start of the turn

The sequence number of the first event in this turn. All events belong to exactly one session. The start sequence number is always smaller or equal to the end_sequence_number. The difference between start and end sequence numbers does not equal the number of events in this session since sequence numbers are incremented across multiple conversations.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 79

end_sequence_number end of the turn

The sequence number of the last event in this turn.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 82


The rasa_dialogue_stack_frame table contains information about the active flow identifier and flow step id of the topmost dialogue stack frame. The CALM assistant adds and removes stack frames to the dialogue stack as it advances through the flow and across flows. When a new DialogueStackUpdated event is received, the table is updated with the new stack frame information.

The end sequence number of the stack frame record is updated with the sequence number property of every rasa event that is sent by the assistant after emitting a DialogueStackUpdated event. This indicates that the events taking place after this stack update event are associated with the saved stack frame record. The end sequence number is no longer updated when the next DialogueStackUpdated event is received.

Rasa Dialogue Stack Frame ER.

id stack frame identifier

The unique identifier of the stack frame. Every stack frame record gets a different generated id assigned.

sender_id sender who started the stack frame

The unique identifier of the sender who started the stack frame. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this stack frame is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

active_flow_identifier active flow identifier

The identifier of the active flow in the stack frame. The flow identifier is the flow id in the flows yaml file. When the assistant is not in a flow, the active flow identifier is null.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: book_restaurant

flow_step_id step identifier

The identifier of the current step in the stack frame. The step identifier is the step id in the flows yaml file. When the assistant is not in a flow, the current step is null.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 2_ask_amount

inserted_at creation timestamp

The timestamp when the stack frame was created. The timestamp is in UTC. The timestamp corresponds to the first event timestamp in the stack frame.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

start_sequence_number start of the stack frame

The sequence number of the first event in this stack frame. All events belong to exactly one session. The start sequence number is always smaller or equal to the end_sequence_number. The difference between start and end sequence numbers does not equal the number of events in this session since sequence numbers are incremented across multiple conversations.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 79

end_sequence_number end of the stack frame

The sequence number of the last event in this stack frame.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 82


The rasa_flow_status table contains information about the active flow, status of the flow and flow step id in any given session.

Rasa Flow Status ER.

id flow status identifier

The unique identifier of the flow status record. Every flow status record gets a different generated id assigned.

sender_id sender who started the flow status

The unique identifier of the sender who started the flow event. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this stack frame is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

flow_identifier flow identifier

The identifier of the active flow in the stack frame. The flow identifier is the flow id in the flows yaml file.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: book_restaurant

flow_status flow status

The status of the flow. The flow status can be one of the following: The flow status can be one of the following:

  • started: The flow is started and the assistant is in the flow.

  • completed: The flow is completed and the assistant is not in the flow.

  • interrupted: The flow is interrupted and the assistant is not in the flow.

  • resumed: The flow is resumed and the assistant is in the flow.

  • cancelled: The flow is aborted and the assistant is not in the flow.

  • Type: varchar(255)

  • Example: started

step_id step identifier

The identifier of the current step in the stack frame. The step identifier is the step id in the flows yaml file.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 0_ask_amount

inserted_at creation timestamp

The timestamp when the flow status was created. The timestamp is in UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936


The rasa_event table contains all events that an assistant created. Events are created for every user message, bot response, and action that is executed as well as for a lot of internal changes to a conversation session. Overview of all Rasa Events.

Rasa Slot ER.

id event identifier

The unique identifier of the event. Every event gets different, generated id assigned.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: f5adcd16-b18d-4c5c-95f0-1747b20cb0e6

sender_id sender whose conversation the event belongs to

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this event is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this event is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the event was created. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

event_type kind of event

The type of the event. The event type is a string and can be one of the following:

  • user: The user sent a message to the assistant.
  • bot: The assistant sent a message to the user.
  • action: The assistant executed an action.
  • session_started: A new session was started.
  • action_execution_rejected: An action failed to execute.
  • active_loop: The assistant is currently in a loop.
  • slot: A slot was set.
  • followup: A follow-up action was triggered.
  • loop_interrupted: A loop was interrupted.
  • pause: A session is paused, e.g. because the session was handed over to a human agent.
  • restart: A session was restarted. This will trigger a new session to be started. The state of the assistant will be reset.
  • rewind: The assistant rewinds to a previous state.
  • user_featurization: The assistant featurized the user input.

The event type defines how the event is interpreted and how the event affects the conversation. For example, the user event type will be interpreted as a user message and the bot event type will be interpreted as a bot response.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: action

model_id model identifier

The identifier of the Rasa model that was running as part of the assistant when this event was created.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 75a985b7b86d442ca013d61ea4781b22

environment name of the assistant environment

The name of the environment of the assistant that created this event. The environment is a string that is set up during the start of the assistant,

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: production

sequence_number start of the event

The sequence number of the event. The events of a session always have increasing sequence numbers. Sequence numbers are not guaranteed to be sequential for events following one another. But sequence numbers can be used to order the events of a session.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78


A message sent by the assistant to a user will be tracked in the rasa_bot_message table. The table contains information about the sent message.

Rasa Slot ER.

id bot message identifier

The unique identifier of the bot message is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 2f2e5384-1bfa-4b53-90a7-c75e5f20b117

event_id id of the event of this message

The unique identifier of the event that created this bot message. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: f5adcd16-b18d-4c5c-95f0-1747b20cb0e6

sender_id sender whose conversation the message belongs to

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this message is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this message is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the message was created. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

template_name name of the template used to generate the message

The name of the template that Rasa used to generate the bot message. Might be empty if the message was not generated from a template but a custom action.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: utter_greet

text message content

The text of the bot message.

  • Type: varchar(65535)
  • Example: Ok, what can I help you with?

model_id model identifier

The identifier of the Rasa model that was running as part of the assistant when this message was created.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 75a985b7b86d442ca013d61ea4781b22

sequence_number start of the event

The sequence number of the message. The events of a session always have increasing sequence numbers. The sequence number of this message is the same as the one of the underlying event.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78


A message sent by a user to the assistant will be tracked in the rasa_user_message table. The table contains information about the sent message.

Rasa Slot ER.

id user message identifier

The unique identifier of the user message is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 49fdd79e-976b-47c2-ab27-a4c3d743a1c9

event_id id of the event of this message

The unique identifier of the event that created this user message. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: f5adcd16-b18d-4c5c-95f0-1747b20cb0e6

sender_id sender whose conversation the message belongs to

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this message is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this message is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

intent classification of the text

The name of the intent that Rasa classified the text as. One of the intents in the domain used to train the model.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: book_flight

retrieval_intent classification of the text

The name of the retrieval intent that Rasa classified the text as. Only populated if there is a configured retrieval intent.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: book_flight/faq

confidence certainty the model predicted for classifications

The confidence of the ML model's intent prediction. The confidence is a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value, the more certain the model is that the intent is correct.

  • Type: Float
  • Example: 0.8798527419567108

text message content

The text of the user message.

  • Type: varchar(65535)
  • Example: I want to book a flight.

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the message was created. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

model_id model identifier

The identifier of the Rasa model that was running as part of the assistant when this message was created.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 75a985b7b86d442ca013d61ea4781b22

sequence_number start of the event

The sequence number of the message. The events of a session always have increasing sequence numbers. The sequence number of this message is the same as the one of the underlying event.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78

message_id unique id for the message text

A unique id that identifies the text of the message.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 7cdb5700ac9c493aa46987b77d91c363


Commands sent by LLMCommandGenerator will be tracked in the rasa_llm_command table. The table contains information about the commands issued in response to each user message.

Rasa LLM Command ER.

id llm command identifier

The unique identifier of the LLM command is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 49fdd79e-976b-47c2-ab27-a4c3d743a1c9

sender_id sender whose conversation the command belongs to

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this command is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this command is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

user_message_id unique id for the user message text

A unique id that identifies the text of the message. Represents a foreign key to the rasa_user_message.message_id column.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 7cdb5700ac9c493aa46987b77d91c363

command command name

The name of the command issued.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: set slot

inserted_at creation timestamp

The timestamp when the user message was received. The timestamp is in UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

flow_identifier flow identifier

The identifier of the active flow in the stack frame. The flow identifier is the flow id in the flows yaml file. This is only populated for start flow commands.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: book_restaurant

set_slot_name slot name

The name of the slot that was set. This is only populated for set slot commands.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: restaurant_name

clarification_options list of flow identifiers

The list of flow identifiers that the user can choose from. This is only populated for clarify commands.

  • Type: varchar(65535)
  • Example: '["add_contact", "remove_contact"]'


An action executed by the assistant. All actions the bot executes are tracked in the rasa_action table. The table contains information about the executed action and its prediction.

Rasa Slot ER.

id action identifier

The unique identifier of the action execution is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: bd074dc7-e745-4db6-86d0-75b0af7bc067

event_id id of the event of this action execution

The unique identifier of the event that created this action execution. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: f5adcd16-b18d-4c5c-95f0-1747b20cb0e6

sender_id sender whose conversation triggered this action execution

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation triggered this action execution. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this action execution is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

name name of the executed action

The name of the action that Rasa has predicted and executed. One of the actions in the domain used to train the model.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: action_book_flight

confidence ML models certainty of the predicted action

The confidence of ML model's action prediction. The confidence is a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value, the more certain the model is that the action is correct.

  • Type: Float
  • Example: 0.9398527419567108

policy name of the policy that predicted the action

The name of the policy that predicted this action. The policy is a component in the Rasa assistant that makes a prediction. The policy can be a rule policy, a memoization policy, or an ML policy.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: policy_2_TEDPolicy

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the action was executed. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

model_id model identifier

The identifier of the Rasa model that was running as part of the assistant when this action was executed.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 75a985b7b86d442ca013d61ea4781b22

sequence_number start of the event

The sequence number of the executed action. The events of a session always have increasing sequence numbers. The sequence number of this executed action is the same as the one of the underlying event.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78


A slot that has been set for a session. All changes to slot values are tracked in the rasa_slot table. The table contains information about the change in the value of the slot.

Rasa Slot ER.

id slot change identifier

The unique identifier of this change in slot values is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: a793d284-b5b9-4cef-be8a-bc0f58c70c28

event_id id of the event that triggered this slot change

The unique identifier of the event that triggered this change in the slot value. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: f5adcd16-b18d-4c5c-95f0-1747b20cb0e6

sender_id sender whose conversation triggered this slot change

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation triggered this slot change. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this slot change is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

slot_path path of the slot

A path to the slot that was changed. The path identifies the slot by its name, the sender and the session. The path is a string that looks like <sender_id>/<session_id>/<slot_name>.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53/63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1/email

name name of the slot

The name of the changed slot. The name of the slot is the same as the name of the slot in the domain.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: email

value new slot value

The new value of the slot for the session. The value is a dumped JSON object.

  • Type: varchar(65535)
  • Example:

timestamp creation date time

The timestamp when the slot value was changed. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-28 02:15:49.326936

sequence_number start of the event

The sequence number of the slot change. The events of a session always have increasing sequence numbers. The sequence number of the slot change is the same as the one of the underlying event.

  • Type: Integer
  • Example: 78


The state of a slot at the end of a session. The state of a slot is the value of the slot at the end of a session. The state of a slot is stored in the rasa_session_slot_state table.

Rasa Slot ER.

id path of the slot

A path to the slot. The path identifies the slot by its name, the sender and the session. The path is a string that looks like <sender_id>/<session_id>/<slot_name>.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53/63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1/email

sender_id sender whose conversation this slot is part of

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this slot is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this slot is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

name name of the slot

The name of the slot. The name of the slot is the same as the name of the slot in the domain.

  • Type: varchar(255)
  • Example: email

value last value of the slot in the session

The value of the slot at the end of the session. The value is a dumped JSON object. If a slot is changed multiple times during a session, the value is set to the last change.

  • Type: varchar(65535)
  • Example:

timestamp creation date time

Time of the last update of the slot in this session. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-21 02:15:49.326936


Patterns are marker definitions that have been received from Rasa. This table is called rasa_pattern to distinguish them from extracted markers which are stored in rasa_marker table. It stores the configuration of markers (which can be thought of as a pattern of conversational events) along with their metadata.

id pattern identifier

The unique identifier of the rasa pattern is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: bd074dc7-e745-4db6-86d0-75b0af7bc067

name pattern name

Name of the pattern

  • Type: varchar()
  • Example: registration success

description pattern description

Description of the pattern

  • Type: varchar()
  • Example: This marker identifies successful account registration in the chat

config pattern configuration

Pattern configuration dictionary stored as an escaped string

  • Type: varchar()
  • Example: "{'or': [{'intent': 'mood_unhappy'},{'intent': 'mood_great'}]}"

is_active soft-delete flag

Only patterns with is_active==True are processed during real-time analysis

  • Type: boolean

created_at creation date time

Time of creation of this pattern. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-21 02:15:49.326936

updated_at update date time

Time of the last update of the pattern in this session. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-21 02:15:49.326936


Extracted markers from the conversations. Each row in this table corresponds to a marker along with details of the pattern, sender, session and the last event where it was extracted.

id marker identifier

The unique identifier of the extracted rasa marker is generated by Analytics.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: bd074dc7-e745-4db6-86d0-75b0af7bc067

pattern_id pattern which was applied in this marker

The unique identifier of the pattern which was applied in this marker. It is a foreign key to the column

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

sender_id sender identifier

The unique identifier of the sender whose conversation this marker is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 9e4ebded-f232-4cc5-af78-d98daa0c1a53

session_id session identifier

The unique identifier of the session this marker is part of. It is a foreign key to the column.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

event_id event identifier

The unique identifier of the event from event broker where this marker was applied. Note that a marker can be applied across multiple events, this is the ID of the last event in the sequence.

  • Type: varchar(36)
  • Example: 63b150a6-21a3-4e6c-bb24-5ab6ddc30cf1

num_preceding_user_turns Number of Proeeding User turns

an integer indicating the number of user turns preceding the event at which the marker applied.

  • Type: integer
  • Example: 4

created_at creation date time

Time of creation of this marker. The timestamp is a UTC.

  • Type: DateTime
  • Example: 2022-06-21 02:15:49.326936

Internal Tables

Internal tables are used to store information about the assistant and the events that are sent to the assistant. They are not meant to be queried directly but are required for the functioning of Analytics. They are a private API that is used by the Analytics service internally and might change without notice.

Internal tables:

  • _rasa_raw_event
  • alembic_version