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Model Download API for CI Integration


The Model Download API provides external access to retrieve download URLs for artifacts generated in Rasa Studio, facilitating CI/CD integration. Built with GraphQL, this API allows queries to request trained assistant models and associated input data in YAML format.


Available APIs

Query: ModelDownloadUrls


  type Query {
modelDownloadUrls(input: ModelDownloadUrlsInput!): ModelDownloadUrlsOutput!

input ModelDownloadUrlsInput {
assistantId: ID!
assistantVersionName: ID

type ModelDownloadUrlsOutput {
modelFileUrl: String!
modelInputUrl: String!

Input: ModelDownloadUrlsInput

assistantIdUnique identifier of the assistant.
assistantVersionNameOptional version of the trained assistant. Default is latest.

Output: ModelDownloadUrlsOutput

modelFileUrlUrl to download the model file <assistant-version-name>.tar.gz.
modelInputUrlUrl to download the model input data in YAML format.


The query can be used to fetch the download URLs for the trained model and the input data in YAML format for a assistant.

Example curl Request

Request the Model Download API using e.g. curl:

curl -X POST https://<api-url>/api/graphql \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" \
-d '{
"query": "query ModelDownloadUrls($input: ModelDownloadUrlsInput!) { modelDownloadUrls(input: $input) { modelFileUrl modelInputUrl } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"assistantId": "<assistant-id>",
"assistantVersionName": "<assistant-version-name>"

Example Response

The response will contain the download URLs for the trained model and the model input data.


Download model file

To download the model file, request the modelFileUrl with authorization header.

curl "https://<api-url>/api/v1/download/model-file/<assistant-version-name>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" \
-O -J

The downloaded model file <assistant-version-name>.tar.gz can be used to deploy the trained model.

Download model input data

To download the model input YAML files, request the modelInputUrl with authorization header.

curl "https://<api-url>/api/v1/download/model-input/<assistant-version-name>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" \
-O -J

The downloaded model input zipped directory <assistant-version-name>_model-input.tar.gz contains the model input data in YAML format:

  • data/flows.yaml
  • data/nlu.yaml
  • config.yaml
  • credentials.yaml
  • domain.yaml
  • endpoints.yaml