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Replicated Troubleshooting Guide

This guide will help you troubleshoot common issues with your Replicated installation of Studio. If further assistance is needed, you can generate a Support Bundle to provide our support team with the necessary logs for review.

How to Generate a Support Bundle

If you need assistance from the support team, you can generate a Support Bundle and send it to us for analysis. Follow these steps depending on whether you have successfully made it through the initial installation or not.

Before Successful Cluster Installation

If your error occurs early on in the setup process and you haven't yet accessed the Replicated Admin Console, follow these instructions.

  1. Run the following command to generate a support bundle:
sudo ./studio-dragon support-bundle
  1. Attach the generated .tar.gz file to a support ticket or send it directly to us.

After Successful Cluster Installation

If you have access to the Replicated Admin Console, follow these instructions.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console > Troubleshoot tab

  2. Click Analyze Studio Support Bundle Step 1

  3. Wait for the Support Bundle to be created

  4. Inspect the logs yourself under the File inspector tab, or send the bundle to our support team by clicking Send bundle to vendor: Support Bundle Step 2

  5. Alternatively, you can click Download bundle and attach it to a support ticket or send it directly to us.

📔 Note: We do NOT collect any sensitive data, such as secret values.

Common Issues and Solutions

If you encounter errors related to Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC), this may be due to multiple nodes being added to Replicated. Currently, multiple nodes are not supported.

  • Remove Extra Nodes: To resolve this, SSH into the extra worker nodes and run:
    sudo ./studio-dragon reset --reboot

Installing on ARM Does Not Work

Replicated installations on ARM architectures (e.g., Apple Silicon, AWS Graviton) are not supported. You must use an x86 CPU for installing Studio with Replicated.

Disk Latency Warning

If you receive the following error during installation:

P99 write latency for the disk at /var/lib/embedded-cluster/k0s/etcd is 27.656192ms, but it must be less than 10 ms. A higher-performance disk is required.

Please wait a few minutes and try running the installation command again. Disk performance on cloud providers can sometimes dip right after the initial boot, but it often normalizes shortly afterward. If the issue persists, ensure that you've deployed using SSD instead of HDD as the disk type. You may need to manually modify the disk in your cloud provider's console to increase the number of IOPS, or provision a larger disk which will often come with higher throughput.