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How to Manage Studio Users

Guides for Managing Users

Admins can manage users at any time by performing the following actions:

Delete a User


Do not modify or delete the realmadmin user, as it is required for Studio to interact with Keycloak APIs.

  1. Go to Users and locate the user to delete.

  2. Open the kebab menu (three dots) and select Delete. Delete User

  3. Confirm the deletion.

Update User Permissions

  1. Select the user in the Users list.

  2. Go to the Groups tab and update their group memberships.

    Update Groups

Log Out a User

  1. Navigate to the Sessions tab for a selected user.

  2. Select Sign out from the session menu.

    Sign Out

Optional: Configure Email Notifications

Keycloak can send emails for tasks like password resets and account verification. To enable email:

  1. Go to Realm Settings > Email.

  2. Enter your SMTP server settings and save changes.

    Email Setup

For detailed setup, refer to Keycloak Email Configuration.