
This is documentation for Rasa Documentation v2.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: 2.x



default_actions(action_endpoint: Optional[EndpointConfig] = None) -> List["Action"]

List default actions.


action_for_index(index: int, domain: Domain, action_endpoint: Optional[EndpointConfig]) -> "Action"

Get an action based on its index in the list of available actions.


  • index - The index of the action. This is usually used by Policys as they predict the action index instead of the name.
  • domain - The Domain of the current model. The domain contains the actions provided by the user + the default actions.
  • action_endpoint - Can be used to run custom_actions (e.g. using the rasa-sdk).


The instantiated Action or None if no Action was found for the given index.


is_retrieval_action(action_name: Text, retrieval_intents: List[Text]) -> bool

Check if an action name is a retrieval action.

The name for a retrieval action has an extra utter_ prefix added to the corresponding retrieval intent name.


  • action_name - Name of the action.
  • retrieval_intents - List of retrieval intents defined in the NLU training data.


True if the resolved intent name is present in the list of retrieval intents, False otherwise.


action_for_name_or_text(action_name_or_text: Text, domain: Domain, action_endpoint: Optional[EndpointConfig]) -> "Action"

Retrieves an action by its name or by its text in case it's an end-to-end action.


  • action_name_or_text - The name of the action.
  • domain - The current model domain.
  • action_endpoint - The endpoint to execute custom actions.


  • ActionNotFoundException - If action not in current domain.


The instantiated action.


create_bot_utterance(message: Dict[Text, Any]) -> BotUttered

Create BotUttered event from message.

Action Objects

class Action()

Next action to be taken in response to a dialogue state.


| name() -> Text

Unique identifier of this simple action.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Execute the side effects of this action.


  • nlg - which nlg to use for response generation
  • output_channel - output_channel to which to send the resulting message.
  • tracker DialogueStateTracker - the state tracker for the current user. You can access slot values using tracker.get_slot(slot_name) and the most recent user message is tracker.latest_message.text.
  • domain Domain - the bot's domain


A list of instances


| __str__() -> Text

Returns text representation of form.


| event_for_successful_execution(prediction: PolicyPrediction) -> ActionExecuted

Event which should be logged for the successful execution of this action.


  • prediction - Prediction which led to the execution of this event.


Event which should be logged onto the tracker.

ActionBotResponse Objects

class ActionBotResponse(Action)

An action which only effect is to utter a response when it is run.


| __init__(name: Text, silent_fail: Optional[bool] = False) -> None

Creates action.


  • name - Name of the action.
  • silent_fail - True if the action should fail silently in case no response was defined for this action.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Simple run implementation uttering a (hopefully defined) response.


| name() -> Text

Returns action name.

ActionEndToEndResponse Objects

class ActionEndToEndResponse(Action)

Action to utter end-to-end responses to the user.


| __init__(action_text: Text) -> None

Creates action.


  • action_text - Text of end-to-end bot response.


| name() -> Text

Returns action name.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action (see parent class for full docstring).


| event_for_successful_execution(prediction: PolicyPrediction) -> ActionExecuted

Event which should be logged for the successful execution of this action.


  • prediction - Prediction which led to the execution of this event.


Event which should be logged onto the tracker.

ActionRetrieveResponse Objects

class ActionRetrieveResponse(ActionBotResponse)

An action which queries the Response Selector for the appropriate response.


| __init__(name: Text, silent_fail: Optional[bool] = False) -> None

Creates action. See docstring of parent class.


| @staticmethod
| intent_name_from_action(action_name: Text) -> Text

Resolve the name of the intent from the action name.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Query the appropriate response and create a bot utterance with that.


| name() -> Text

Returns action name.

ActionBack Objects

class ActionBack(ActionBotResponse)

Revert the tracker state by two user utterances.


| name() -> Text

Returns action back name.


| __init__() -> None

Initializes action back.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionListen Objects

class ActionListen(Action)

The first action in any turn - bot waits for a user message.

The bot should stop taking further actions and wait for the user to say something.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionRestart Objects

class ActionRestart(ActionBotResponse)

Resets the tracker to its initial state.

Utters the restart response if available.


| name() -> Text

Returns action restart name.


| __init__() -> None

Initializes action restart.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionSessionStart Objects

class ActionSessionStart(Action)

Applies a conversation session start.

Takes all SlotSet events from the previous session and applies them to the new session.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionDefaultFallback Objects

class ActionDefaultFallback(ActionBotResponse)

Executes the fallback action and goes back to the prev state of the dialogue.


| name() -> Text

Returns action default fallback name.


| __init__() -> None

Initializes action default fallback.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionDeactivateLoop Objects

class ActionDeactivateLoop(Action)

Deactivates an active loop.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

RemoteAction Objects

class RemoteAction(Action)


| @staticmethod
| action_response_format_spec() -> Dict[Text, Any]

Expected response schema for an Action endpoint.

Used for validation of the response returned from the Action endpoint.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionExecutionRejection Objects

class ActionExecutionRejection(RasaException)

Raising this exception will allow other policies to predict a different action

ActionRevertFallbackEvents Objects

class ActionRevertFallbackEvents(Action)

Reverts events which were done during the TwoStageFallbackPolicy.

This reverts user messages and bot utterances done during a fallback of the TwoStageFallbackPolicy. By doing so it is not necessary to write custom stories for the different paths, but only of the happy path. This is deprecated and can be removed once the TwoStageFallbackPolicy is removed.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionUnlikelyIntent Objects

class ActionUnlikelyIntent(Action)

An action that indicates that the intent predicted by NLU is unexpected.

This action can be predicted by UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy.


| name() -> Text

Returns the name of the action.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.


has_user_affirmed(tracker: "DialogueStateTracker") -> bool

Indicates if the last executed action is action_default_ask_affirmation.

ActionDefaultAskAffirmation Objects

class ActionDefaultAskAffirmation(Action)

Default implementation which asks the user to affirm his intent.

It is suggested to overwrite this default action with a custom action to have more meaningful prompts for the affirmations. E.g. have a description of the intent instead of its identifier name.


| async run(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator", tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Runs action. Please see parent class for the full docstring.

ActionDefaultAskRephrase Objects

class ActionDefaultAskRephrase(ActionBotResponse)

Default implementation which asks the user to rephrase his intent.


| name() -> Text

Returns action default ask rephrase name.


| __init__() -> None

Initializes action default ask rephrase.