
This is documentation for Rasa Documentation v2.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: 2.x


create_http_input_channels(channel: Optional[Text], credentials_file: Optional[Text]) -> List["InputChannel"]

Instantiate the chosen input channel.


configure_app(input_channels: Optional[List["InputChannel"]] = None, cors: Optional[Union[Text, List[Text], None]] = None, auth_token: Optional[Text] = None, enable_api: bool = True, response_timeout: int = constants.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, jwt_secret: Optional[Text] = None, jwt_method: Optional[Text] = None, route: Optional[Text] = "/webhooks/", port: int = constants.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, endpoints: Optional[AvailableEndpoints] = None, log_file: Optional[Text] = None, conversation_id: Optional[Text] = uuid.uuid4().hex) -> Sanic

Run the agent.


serve_application(model_path: Optional[Text] = None, channel: Optional[Text] = None, port: int = constants.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, credentials: Optional[Text] = None, cors: Optional[Union[Text, List[Text]]] = None, auth_token: Optional[Text] = None, enable_api: bool = True, response_timeout: int = constants.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, jwt_secret: Optional[Text] = None, jwt_method: Optional[Text] = None, endpoints: Optional[AvailableEndpoints] = None, remote_storage: Optional[Text] = None, log_file: Optional[Text] = None, ssl_certificate: Optional[Text] = None, ssl_keyfile: Optional[Text] = None, ssl_ca_file: Optional[Text] = None, ssl_password: Optional[Text] = None, conversation_id: Optional[Text] = uuid.uuid4().hex) -> None

Run the API entrypoint.


async load_agent_on_start(model_path: Text, endpoints: AvailableEndpoints, remote_storage: Optional[Text], app: Sanic, loop: AbstractEventLoop) -> Agent

Load an agent.

Used to be scheduled on server start (hence the app and loop arguments).


async close_resources(app: Sanic, _: AbstractEventLoop) -> None

Gracefully closes resources when shutting down server.


  • app - The Sanic application.
  • _ - The current Sanic worker event loop.