Version: Latest

Using Docker

The Rasa Pro Docker image is named:

  • rasa-plus for versions <=3.7.x
  • rasa-pro for versions >=3.8.x

The Docker images are hosted on our GCP Artifact Registry. To pull the image, you can run the following:

docker pull

To find the latest release version of Rasa Pro, see the Changelog.


As explained in Licensing, at runtime you must provide the license key in the environment variable RASA_PRO_LICENSE.

After you defined the environment variable on your system, you can pass it into the docker container via the -e parameter, for example:

# execute `rasa init` via docker
docker run -v ./:/app \
init --no-prompt
To find the latest release version of Rasa Pro, see the [Changelog](../../rasa-pro-changelog.mdx).