
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased

Load Testing Guidelines


In order to gather metrics on our system's ability to handle increased loads and users, we have performed tests to evaluate the maximum number of concurrent users a Rasa assistant can handle with certain machine configurations. In each test case we spawned the following number of concurrent users at peak concurrency using a spawn rate of 1000 users per second. In our tests we used the Rasa HTTP-API and the Locust open source load testing tool.

Up to 50,0006vCPU16 GB
Up to 80,0006vCPU, with almost 90% CPU usage16 GB

Debugging bot related issues while scaling up

To test the Rasa HTTP-API ability to handle a large number of concurrent user activity we used the Rasa Pro tracing capability along with a tracing backend or collector, such as Jaeger, to collect traces for the bot under test.


Our team is currently in the process of running additional performance-related tests. More information will be added here as we progress.