
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased

PrecomputedValueProvider Objects

class PrecomputedValueProvider(GraphComponent)

Holds the precomputed values of a GraphNode from a previous training.

Pre-computed values can either be

  • values loaded from cache
  • values which were provided during the fingerprint run by input nodes


def __init__(output: Cacheable)

Initializes a PrecomputedValueProvider.


  • output - The precomputed output to return.


def create(cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource,
execution_context: ExecutionContext) -> PrecomputedValueProvider

Creates instance (see parent class for full docstring).


def get_value() -> Cacheable

Returns the precomputed output.


def replace_schema_node(cls, node: SchemaNode, output: Any) -> None

Updates a SchemaNode to use a PrecomputedValueProvider.

This is for when we want to use the precomputed output value of a node from a previous training in a subsequent training. We replace the class in the uses of the node to a be a PrecomputedValueProvider configured to return the precomputed value.


  • node - The node to update.
  • output - precomputed cached output that the PrecomputedValueProvider will return.

FingerprintStatus Objects

class FingerprintStatus()

Holds the output of a FingerprintComponent and is used to prune the graph.


  • output_fingerprint - A fingerprint of the node's output value.
  • is_hit - True if node's fingerprint key exists in the cache, False otherwise.


def fingerprint() -> Text

Returns the internal fingerprint.

If there is no fingerprint returns a random string that will never match.

FingerprintComponent Objects

class FingerprintComponent(GraphComponent)

Replaces non-input nodes during a fingerprint run.


def __init__(cache: TrainingCache, config_of_replaced_component: Dict[Text,
class_of_replaced_component: Type) -> None

Initializes a FingerprintComponent.


  • cache - Training cache used to determine if the run is a hit or not.
  • config_of_replaced_component - Needed to generate the fingerprint key.
  • class_of_replaced_component - Needed to generate the fingerprint key.


def create(cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource,
execution_context: ExecutionContext) -> FingerprintComponent

Creates a FingerprintComponent (see parent class for full docstring).


def run(**kwargs: Any) -> FingerprintStatus

Calculates the fingerprint key to determine if cached output can be used.

If the fingerprint key matches an entry in the cache it means that there has been a previous node execution which matches the same component class, component config and input values. This means that we can potentially prune this node from the schema, or replace it with a cached value before the next graph run.


  • **kwargs - Inputs from all parent nodes.


A FingerprintStatus determining if the run was a hit, and if it was a hit also the output fingerprint from the cache.


def replace_schema_node(cls, node: SchemaNode, cache: TrainingCache) -> None

Updates a SchemaNode to use a FingerprintComponent.

This is for when we want to do a fingerprint run. During the fingerprint run we replace all non-input nodes with FingerprintComponents so we can determine whether they are able to be pruned or cached before the next graph run without running the actual components.


  • node - The node to update.
  • cache - The cache is needed to determine of there is cache hit for the fingerprint key.