Helm Ingress Objects
An ingress in Kubernetes is a way to expose your applications externally outside the Kubernetes network.
You are free to choose the type of ingress controller you use in your K8s cluster. But you need to make sure that you create the below-mentioned ingress objects for Studio to work properly.
The ingress objects are already part of the Helm chart. All you have to do is update the annotations and provide a host to the below mentioned ingress objects in your values.yaml
file. Make sure that the host for all of the ingress objects remains the same. Also, keep in mind that the path and pathType are not changed.
Backend ingress
This exposes the backend API service under https://example@this.com/api
Web client ingress
Exposes the user-facing web application under https://example@this.com
Keycloak ingress
Exposes the Keycloak user management application under https://example@this.com/auth
Model running service ingress
Exposes the running assistant Web-socket URL for communication between the Studio web client and the running Rasa Pro model. It's exposed in https://example@this.com/talk
path. This ingress is used in the Try your assistant
feature of the Studio web client.