The Rasa Blog
Welcome to the new home of the Rasa Blog!
August 13th, 2020
How We Make Onboarding Work as a Distributed Team
Sarah Rose
As a People Manager, it’s my responsibility to make sure all new employees have the best onboarding experience possible. To reach that goal it takes more than reading blog posts about remote onboarding or watching webinars. Just because something works for another company doesn’t mean it works for us at Rasa.
August 12th, 2020
Introducing Entity Roles and Groups
Mady Mantha
In this blog post, we'll talk about a new research feature called Entity Roles and Groups that we introduced with Rasa 1.10.
August 6th, 2020
Recipes for Building Conversational AI Teams
Karen White
We’ll break down a few of the most common roles that make up conversational AI teams and consider a few example team structures to help you assemble your AI assistant dev team.
July 24th, 2020
What’s Ahead in Rasa Open Source 2.0
Alan Nichol
We’re excited to give the community an in-depth look at what we’ve been working on for Rasa Open Source 2.0. With the release of our first alpha, now you can try it out.
July 22nd, 2020
GPT-3: Careful First Impressions
Vincent Warmerdam
If you've been following NLP Twitter recently, you've probably noticed that people have been talking about this new tool called GPT-3 from OpenAI. It's a big model with 175 billion parameters, and it's considered a milestone due to the quality of the text it can generate.
July 20th, 2020
The Humans Behind the Bots: Christina Koß
At Rasa, our team is building the standard infrastructure for conversational AI. Behind the scenes, the people of Rasa come together from…
July 13th, 2020
Adopting a Remote-first Approach at Rasa
Kamilė Pranskūnaitė
Find out all about how Rasa transitioned from a remote-friendly office to being fully remote-first in this exciting post.
July 10th, 2020
10 Best Practices for Designing NLU Training Data
Karen White
Whether you're starting from scratch or working with an existing data set, here's how to make sure your NLU training data results in accurate predictions and scales sustainably.
July 9th, 2020
Introducing Rasa NLU Examples
Vincent Warmerdam
Conversational AI is an experimental field. This is in part because the field is relatively new but also because no chatbot is the same.
June 30th, 2020
Rasa Developer Survey Summary
Rachael Tatman
A look at the results of our recent Rasa Developer survey and what we're prioritizing based on community feedback.
June 29th, 2020
How to make a Custom Printer Component in Rasa NLU
Vincent Warmerdam
Rasa offers many useful components to build a digital assistant but sometimes you may want to write your own. This document will be part of a series where we will create increasingly complex components from scratch.
June 23rd, 2020
Our Next Phase of Product and Community Growth
Alex Weidauer
Our $26M Series B, led by Andreessen Horowitz, allows us to take bigger, bolder steps toward our mission of empowering makers to build AI assistants that work for everyone.
June 22nd, 2020
Diversity and Inclusion at Rasa
Diversity is important to Rasa, now more than ever. Here's what we're doing to make our company more diverse and inclusive and to contribute to a world that gives everyone fair opportunities.
June 22nd, 2020
The Humans Behind the Bots: Abhilasha Roy
At Rasa, our team is building the standard infrastructure for conversational AI. Today we’re talking with Abhilasha Roy, Senior Product Designer at Rasa.
June 22nd, 2020
Demonstration of TED Policy in Rasa Dialogue Management
Vincent Warmerdam
This guide accompanies a video on our algorithm whiteboard playlist. You can see the video below, but we figured that having a written guide would make it easier for our community members to reproduce our experiment.